Crafting Table

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The Crafting Table Icon.png Crafting Table can be used to craft a variety of furniture and/or items. In order to craft something, the player must have unlocked the Crafting Plans Icon.png Crafting Plans for the item and have the correct materials. The player unlocks the ability to craft items while completing the "Power Up the Gate" quest. There are two Crafting Tables located around Friendship Island, one is located near Chococat Icon.png Chococat's tent at the Fast Travel Icon.png Resort Gate in Seaside Resort Icon.png Seaside Resort, and the second is in Fast Travel Icon.png Gemstone Town, located in Gemstone Mountain Gemstone Mountain.

Once the player has completed the "Bring Your Own Bench" quest, they'll be able to craft their very own Crafting Table Icon.png Crafting Table!

Image Name Tag Rarity Materials
Crafting Table Icon.png Crafting Table Crafting (Tag) Legendary Woodblock Woodblock (10)

Gizmo Gizmo (100)

Ingot Ingot (10)

Spark Spark (10)

To find a complete list of craftable items, see Craftables.