Critter Catcher Goals (Achievement)

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The ultimate goal is to complete 9 goals related to catching critters! The player can access their Achievements application via the Menu Tablet Tablet in the upper right corner of the screen.

See "Critters" for a guide & complete list of all of critters in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

List of Objectives

Name Description Reward
Bountiful Bubbles "Catch 5 critters with the bubble wand" Critter Totem.png x1 Critter Totem
Beginner Critter Catcher "Catch 5 critters" Stick.png x2 Stick
Intermediate Critter Catcher "Catch 25 critters" Woodblock.png x1 Woodblock
Master Critter Catcher "Catch 100 critters" Critter Totem.png x1 Critter Totem
Tropical Catcher "Catch 5 critters in the Seaside Resort" Sand Dollar.png x10 Sand Dollar
Swampy Catcher "Catch 5 critters in the Spooky Swamp" Mushroom.png x10 Mushroom
Rocky Catcher "Catch 5 critters in Gemstone Mountain" Shiny.png x10 Shiny
Aquatic Catcher "Catch 5 critters in Rainbow Reef" Seashell.png x10 Seashell
Volcanic Catcher "Catch 5 critters in Mount Hothead" Obsidian Shard.png x10 Obsidian Shard