Friendship Beads

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Friendship Bead.png Friendship Beads are rewarded to the player when completing Friendship Tasks with another player via Multiplayer Icon.png Multiplayer. When the player increases their Friendship Level with another player, they will be rewarded with special emotes, Friendship Bead.png Friendship Beads, and unique multiplayer abilities. When speaking to Keroppi Icon.png Keroppi, Friendship Bead.png Friendship Beads can be used to obtain special Calendar Icon.png Event furniture. The player will unlock this feature while completing the "Friends From Afar" quest.

How to Earn Friendship Beads

A multiplayer host and guest need to complete Multiplayer Friendship tasks to increase their friendship levels.

A single Friendship Bead.png Friendship Bead is earned after completing the level 1 task. To complete that task, both players must take Camera Icon.png selfies together.

Multiple beads are awarded for completing all tasks for level 6 and beyond. However, starting at level 6, completing a level also requires more than 1 week. The number of other players that a player can complete tasks with is not limited, so players can earn more beads by raising friendship levels with multiple people. Higher levels reward many more Friendship Bead.png Friendship Beads, so playing weekly with the same people does have benefits.

For a full list of Friendship Tasks and Friendship Level Rewards, refer to the "Multiplayer" article.

After a level's tasks are completed, the Friendship Bead.png Friendship Bead must be claimed manually from the Friendship Tasks page. The tasks page is accessible through the Friendship Levels button in the Multiplayer Icon.png multiplayer menu or by selecting the small HUD icon multiplayer.png multiplayer icon near the mini-map while a guest is on the island. Rewards earned with a particular friend can only be claimed while playing together with that friend.

How to Exchange Friendship Beads

Friendship Bead.png Friendship Beads are used to obtain past Calendar Icon.png Event furniture.

In order to exchange Friendship Bead.png Friendship Beads for a reward from Keroppi Icon.png Keroppi, the player must speak to him while in possession of at least one Friendship Bead.png Friendship Bead. The player should select the "I have Friendship Bead.png Friendship Beads!" dialog option. Keroppi Icon.png Keroppi will then tell the player that they can exchange a certain number of Friendship Bead.png Friendship Beads for an item. Each week Keroppi Icon.png Keroppi will have a new, different item that the player can obtain by trading with him. All trades after a player's first ever trade cost 2 beads each.

Multiplayer guests cannot exchange Friendship Bead.png Friendship Beads with the host's Keroppi Icon.png Keroppi.