Happy Landings

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"Happy Landings" is the first "The Island Mystery" quest. It is the first quest in the story and begins the player's adventure!

Quest Description

"Leap out of the plane, balloon to the ground, and find your friends!"

Happy Landings-Desc.png

Quest Information

The player wakes up on the Hello Kitty icon Airplane with Hello Kitty icon Hello Kitty asking if they slept well. The player can then choose the appearance of their Player Character, selecting their species, body style, eye style, mouth style, and palette, as well as what pieces of the starting clothing they wish to wear.

Hello Kitty icon Hello Kitty suggests that the player talks to the other characters on the plane to meet their new friends. The player only needs to talk to one other character, but it is possible to talk to anyone in the aisle seats of the plane. Some characters will remark that the island destination is quite a mysterious one.

Chococat icon Chococat mentions being unable to find much of its history, like "the island appeared and disappeared with the amusement park."

Kuromi icon Kuromi talks about her initial doubts that the island really existed, having thought "it was an elaborate hoax."

Even My Melody icon My Melody says that her "invitation to Big Adventures Park was mysterious."

After the player finishes chatting, Hello Kitty icon Hello Kitty asks if the player wants some cake. While she is making the cake, the cake machine malfunctions, creating the need for a emergency escape!

The Island Residents all line up to jump out the plane door, equipped with Balloons icon Balloons to use to float to safety. Hello Kitty icon Hello Kitty will give the player Balloons icon balloons of their own when they reach the door. (Floating is a good skill for the player to have, but, no matter how far the player falls, the landing is always safe!)

Out of the plane, some Obstacle Course Ring icon Obstacle Course Rings will appear between the player and the ground. The player does not need to go through all 4 at the moment, but doing so will allow the player to find the Island Challenge Airplane Trophy.png Island Challenge Airplane Trophy near the landing zone. (If unsuccessful, more attempts can be made later in the game.)

The player lands in the Seaside Resort icon Seaside Resort. With them are Hello Kitty icon Hello Kitty, Chococat icon Chococat, Badtz-maru icon Badtz-maru, Tuxedosam icon Tuxedosam, and Pochacco icon Pochacco. In the Pochacco icon Resort Plaza, Hello Kitty icon Hello Kitty will ask the player to find My Melody icon My Melody and bring her back to the Pochacco icon Resort Plaza. She will give the player the Map menu icon Map application for their Menu tablet icon Menu Tablet to help them navigate the island. Receiving the Map menu icon Map application causes a mini-map to appear in the top left of the player's screen when not in a building. (Clicking the mini-map or using the up arrow on a controller's D-pad also opens the full map.) Additionally, Pochacco icon Pochacco gives the player a Strawberry icon Strawberry and requests that they give it to My Melody icon My Melody when they find her.

My Melody icon My Melody is on a path to the upper left of the Pochacco icon Resort Plaza. When the player offers her the Strawberry icon strawberry, she explains the basics of Strawberry icon gifting and likes (or item tags) and encourages the player to give gifts to every Island Resident in order to become better friends. The player leads My Melody icon My Melody back to the plaza and talks with Hello Kitty icon Hello Kitty.

My Melody icon My Melody remarks that Kuromi icon Kuromi is missing. As Chococat icon Chococat notes, also missing are Hangyodon icon Hangyodon, Pekkle icon Pekkle, Pompompurin icon Pompompurin, Keroppi icon Keroppi, and Retsuko icon Retsuko.

A TOPHAT icon mysterious hologram appears temporarily in the Pochacco icon Resort Plaza, confused but seemingly attempting to greet the Island Residents before it disappears again.

Chococat icon Chococat wants to investigate the mystery and find everyone, so he runs off to set up a camp. Hello Kitty icon Hello Kitty suggests that everyone split up. Badtz-maru icon Badtz-maru does not think it is a good idea to split up on an island without any staff, but My Melody icon My Melody says that she is supposed to be staff and that she sees her store nearby. Hello Kitty icon Hello Kitty has a cafe for herself, too. Every character except Badtz-maru icon Badtz-maru runs off to explore the buildings, and then Badtz-maru icon Badtz-maru complains but goes to investigate the beach. Before he leaves, he tells the player to check on My Melody icon My Melody in her gift shop.

When the player talks with My Melody icon My Melody, she starts them on the next quest, "Small Gift Big Smile".
