Hello Kitty Island Adventure Wiki:Contribution Guide

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See also: Hello Kitty Island Adventure Wiki:Rules

Getting Started

If you haven't read the rules yet, make sure to do so before proceeding!

...Now that we've got that out of the way, let's begin! Your first step is that you must create an account before editing the wiki, congrats!

On wiki.gg wikis, using an account has the additional benefit of disabling ads ― those only show to people who aren't logged in.

Creating a page

You can create a page by searching a term in the search bar on the upper right-hand of the page! When you press search, you will see "Create the page "PageName" on this wiki!", and press on the red text. Or, if you click on any red text on a already created page, it will take you to a page where you can begin creating a page. Basically, red text = no page!

Uploading Images

You can upload images by pressing on the "Upload File" tab under the "Tools" section in the left-hand side of the wiki page. You can also upload images while editing pages (see below).

Make sure that the images you upload are high quality! In-game icons such as Tags, Critters, Fish, etc. MUST be .png files.

Editing Pages

To edit a page, there are two types of options: "Edit" and "Edit Source".

The differences are that "Edit" goes to the Visual Editor and "Edit Source" goes to the Source Editor. Please be aware that the Visual Editor does have issues dealing well with some things you find on wikis, such as large tables. The Source Editor is standard for wiki.gg, while the Visual Editor was an extension added upon request. However, the Visual Editor is often easier to use for beginners unfamiliar with wikicode and does make a good starting point for beginners.

Go to the "Edit" tab at the top of the page. You will be taken to the Visual Editor, where you can begin writing, contributing, and more!

On the top left of the page, you can change the type of heading of the text, which includes: Paragraph, Heading, Sub-heading 1, Sub-heading 2, Sub-heading 3, and Sub-heading 4. You don't really have to worry too much about the other ones if you don't know how to use them!

The A button can be used to edit the text's style. To do so, you can highlight a piece of text and press the button. You can Bold, Italicize, Underline, Strikethrough, Enlarge (Big), Shrink (Small), Superscript, and Subscript a piece of text.

To add a link to a piece of text, you can highlight a piece of text and press the button, which will then bring up a search bar where you can link a piece of text to another page on the wiki. Sometimes you may need to search for the page instead of immediately pressing the "Done" button. If the text is red, that means that there is not a page created for that specific word.

You can add bulletpoints or numbering to the page by pressing the Bulletpoint button. Feel free to use them when you write!

  • You can use bulletpoints when creating a list!
  1. You can use numbering when creating a step-by-step guide!

The "Insert" button contains a bunch of options that allow you to add other types of content to a page!

  • "Images and Media" allow you to search for an image or upload your own. Once selecting an image, it will appear on the page & you can edit the image's appearance.
  • "Template" allows you to insert a previously created Wiki Template, See "Stubs and Templates".
  • "Table" allows you to insert a table... however, on the HKIA wiki, we have created our own special table style to be used on ALL pages! If you want to create a table, we recommend copying the table from an previously created page or using "Edit Source" to create your table. See "Creating Tables" for how to add a table to a page.
  • "Comment" will allow you to leave a comment to future editors of a page. Comments do not appear in "Read" mode.
  • "Gallery" allows you to insert a photo gallery on a page. You can select which photos you want to put into a gallery when it is being created. Make sure that the image you want to add to the gallery is already uploaded to the wiki, as you can only select from images that have already been uploaded.

If you've learned some basics of HTML or other website design coding, you probably know how to already use this, but for those who haven't, we'll go over some of the basic things you might want to know below! It's also a great idea to learn by example. If you want to add something on a page and know something similar is on another page, copy the code from that page and try altering it! You can even switch between the Source Editor and the Visual Editor if you want the Visual Editor's options afterwards.

Stubs and Templates

Stubs are technically just templates that are used at the top of the page to notify viewers of something.

A template is a page with data/text/coding that can be included on another page by putting its name in curly brackets (also called "braces"), like {{NAME}}. Templates often have variables that can be altered.

A template with template data will have any variables shown as options in the Visual Editor. You can look up templates in the search bar with "Template:NAME".

You can add Stubs and Templates to a page in "Edit Source" mode by using open and closing brackets and inserting the text in-between. The following stubs that you can use while editing or creating pages:

{{Stub}} is used to indicate that a page is not yet completed. If you see or have any information that is missing on a page, please use this stub!

This page is not complete.
Please help us complete this page by adding any missing information!

{{Spoiler}} is used to indicate that a page has game spoilers and ensures that users of the wiki can choose whether or not they'd like to continue reading the page if they do or do not want to avoid any game spoilers. If you see or have any information that is considered a spoiler on a page, please use this stub!

! Spoilers are on this page. !
Players may want to avoid or be cautious toward reading this article/section.

{{Unavailable}} is also used to indicate that a page has pre-HIDDEN content that has been obtained through the use of data-mining. The {{stub}} should also be used on this page. All content that has been obtained through the use of data-mining should be hidden on the page. If you have or see any information that is not yet in the game, please use this stub!

Anything marked as unavailable or otherwise not included was not available through normal play at the time of the last page edit.
Posting content not accessible through normal play is not allowed on wiki pages or the official Discord.

{{Removed}} is used to indicate that a page has content that has been changed or removed from an previous game version. Additionally, this stub indicates content that has been changed or altered. If you have or see any information that is different from the current game version, please use this stub!

Information on this page may not be accurate to the most recent version of the game, due to in-game content being removed or altered from previous versions.

{{Update}} is used to indicate that a page needs to be updated. You can add a note on what needs to be updated. For example, {{Update|This is a note.}}. If you have or see any information that needs to be updated on the wiki, please use this stub!

{{Incomplete}} is used to indicate that a page needs to be updated. This can also be used in conjunction with the {{update}} stub. You can add a note on what needs to be completed. For example, {{Incomplete|This is a note.}}. If you have or see any information that needs to be added or is incomplete on the wiki, please use this stub!

{{Knownbug}} is used to indicate something within the page is a known bug in the game. You can add a note on the details of the bug. For example, {{Knownbug|This is a note.}}. If near the top of the page, it needs an additional variable: {{Knownbug|This is a note.|top=y}}. If not near the top of the page, it can be used in conjunction with {{Knownbug/Top|This is a note.}}, which will create a header at the top of the page that links to the Known Bug section within the page. If you have or see any known bugs that need to be added into the wiki, please use this stub!

Glitch.png Known Bug Full Character Tophat.png Glitch.png

{{Platform}} is used to indicate something within the page is a not available on all platforms. If you see pages on this wiki where the content is only available on the 2nd island, please use this stub!

Not yet available on all platforms.
New content releases first on Apple Arcade Apple Arcade.

Here are the additional templates that you can use while editing or creating pages: You can also view all of the wiki's templates on the this page:Category:Templates.

List of Templates

If anyone has created any templates that would be helpful for certain pages, please add them to the wiki guide here!

{{Icon/Link|PAGENAME}} will generate a link with the image beside it. The image is clickable and will send you to the page of whatever you're linking to. It should work for most stuff, but if you want to use a different image or different link text, you can also specify those: {{Icon/Link|PAGENAME|image=IMAGE FILE NAME|text=LINK TEXT}}

Here's some more:

How to Create a Template

To create a template, you must use "Edit Source" mode to design the template. Once you've finished creating it, you can use it on the wiki! You can also find resources online that have pre-designed templates that can be useful.

You can create a template page by navigating to "Template:NAME" in the search bar, where "NAME" is the name you want for your template. Alternatively, enter and alter the following URL in your browser:

  • https://hellokittyislandadventure.wiki.gg/wiki/Template:NAME
  • Again, change "NAME" to whatever you want your template to be named.*

You can also create templates for content that exists on an already created, non-template page! In order to do so:

  1. Go into "Edit Source" mode.
  2. At the top of the area you'd like to capture within the template, type <onlyinclude>.
  3. At the bottom of the the area you'd like to capture within the template, type </onlyinclude>.
  4. Check to make sure you aren't accidentally adding extra empty spaces with the codes, then save the page if everything looks fine.
  5. On the page to which you'd like to add the captured information, add {{:PageName}} where the information should go.

For example, if I wanted to include a table from the Hats page on the Clothes page, I would edit the Hats page in "Edit Source" mode, write <onlyinclude> at the top of the table, and </onlyinclude> at the bottom of the table. Then, I would edit the the Clothes page "Edit Source" mode, and write {{:Hats}} where I'd like the table to appear.

If this all seems tricky, don't worry! You can always send a message to the "wiki-org" channel on Discord to have one of the wiki experts make one for you!


To add a category to a page, you can use "Edit Source" mode to do so. When you're on a page, go into "Edit Source" mode, then at the bottom of the page type, [[Category:NameOfCategory]]. Replace "NameOfCategory" with what category you want the page to be under. On the HKIA wiki we have a bunch of categories, but here are just some basic ones.

[[Category:Craftables]] is used for craftable items.

[[Category:Creation Station]] is used for items created at the Creation Station.

[[Category:Food]] is used for cookable items.

[[Category:Baked Goods]] is used for items made with the Oven.

[[Category:Sodas]] is used for items made with the Soda Machine.

[[Category:Pizzas]] is used for items made with the Pizza Oven.

[[Category:Desserts]] is used for items made with the Dessert Machine.

[[Category:Cozy Beverages]] is used for items made with the Espresso Machine.

[[Category:Potions]] is used for items made with the Cauldron.

[[Category:Clouds]] is used for items made with the Candy Cloud Machine.

[[Category:Egg Pan]] is used for items made with the Egg Pan Station.

[[Category:Tags]] is used for tag pages.

[[Category:Fish]] is used for fish.

[[Category:Critters]] is used for critters.

[[Category:Clothes]] is used for clothes.

[[Category:Back Accessories‎]] is used for items that are considered Back Accessories‎.

[[Category:Hats‎]] is used for items that are considered Hats‎.

[[Category:Pants‎]] is used for items that are considered Pants‎.

[[Category:Shirts‎]] is used for items that are considered Shirts‎.

[[Category:Skirts‎]] is used for items that are considered Skirts‎ and should also include [[Category:Pants]].

[[Category:Outfits‎]] is used for items that are considered Outfits‎‎.

[[Category:Face Accessories‎]] is used for items that are considered Face Accessories‎‎‎.

[[Category:Character Hats‎]] should be used for items that are considered Character Hats‎ and should also include [[Category:Hats‎]].

[[Category:Dresses‎]] is used for items that are considered Dresses‎ and should also include [[Category:Outfits]].

[[Category:Dyeable Clothing‎]] is used for items that are able to be dyed and should be included along with the other categories.

[[Category:Clothing Sets‎]] is used for pages that have clothing collections with multiple items.

[[Category:Event Clothing]] is used for pages that contain individual event clothing pieces and include the event clothing outfit set page.

[[Category:Furniture]] is used for furniture.

[[Category:Customizable Furniture]] is used for pages that have furniture that can be customized using the Furniture Customizer. These pages should also include [[Category:Furniture]]. If the furniture item is obtained during an event, it should also include [[Category:Event Furniture]].

[[Category:Event Furniture‎]] is used for pages that have furniture that can be obtained during an event. These pages should also include [[Category:Furniture]]. If the furniture item can be customized using the Furniture Customizer, it should also include [[Category:Customizable Furniture]].

[[Category:Furniture Collections‎]] is used for pages that list all of the items within a furniture collection. These pages should also include [[Category:Furniture]]. If any of the furniture items are obtained during an event, it should also include [[Category:Event Furniture]]. If any of the furniture items within a collection can be customized using the Furniture Customizer, it should also include [[Category:Customizable Furniture]].

[[Category:Miscellaneous Furniture]] is used for pages that list all of the Miscellaneous Furniture items. These pages should also include [[Category:Furniture]]. If any of the furniture items are obtained during an event, it should also include [[Category:Event Furniture]]. If any of the furniture items within a collection can be customized using the Furniture Customizer, it should also include [[Category:Customizable Furniture]].

[[Category:Quests]] is used for quests.

[[Category:The Island Mystery Quests‎]] are used on pages of quests under the The Island Mystery quest category.

[[Category:The Right Tools Quests‎]] are used on pages of quests under the The Right Tools quest category.

[[Category:Around the Island Quests]] are used on pages of quests under the Around the Island quest category.

[[Category:Friendship Quests]] are used on pages of quests under the Friendship Quests quest category.

If it's a weekly Friendship Quest, then the [[Category:Weekly Quests]] category should also be added along with the [[Category:Friendship Quests]] category.

If it's a birthday Friendship Quest, then the [[Category:Birthday Quests]] category should also be added along with the [[Category:Friendship Quests]] category.

[[Category:Multiplayer Quests]] are used on pages of quests under the Multiplayer Quests quest category.

*Make sure, if you're copying a old page to use as a template for a new page, use the Edit Source to copy all page information, which will include the page's categories! Also, update the categories on the page if they're not accurate to the page.*

Page Formatting

Woo! You made it through the basics, now here are some guidelines for formatting while contributing to the wiki!

Quest Pages

When creating a quest page, please follow the following formats.

Individual quest page names must be identical to how they are displayed in game. If there is a page with the same name (or something similar to) as the quest, include (Quest) at the end of a page's name. If it's a Daily Quest, include (Daily Quest) at the end of a page's name. When writing a written description/guide for the quest, you should refer to the player in third person (i.e. "the player").

The basic formatting for the page is as follows:

  • The first section should contain the title of the quest, what type of quest it is, a basic introduction to what happens during the quest, the "main idea", or what game feature it unlocks. It should also include the requirements for unlocking the quest.
  • The second section should include a Sub-heading 1 titled "Quest Description". Below the heading should be the in-game quest's description in quotation marks and italicized. Below the quest's description should include a cropped image of the completed quest in-game tab. The image's style/appearance should be altered to match previously created quest pages.
  • The third section should include a Sub-heading 1 titled "Quest Information". Below the heading should be an written description/guide for the quest.
    • When first mentioning a HKIA character, include a tiny image of the character, the name of the character in bold text with a link to the character's page. Any following mentions of a character should (at the very least) include a tiny image of the character and the name of the character. EX: Hello Kitty
    • When first mentioning a location, include a tiny image of the location (if applicable), the name of the location in bold text with a link to the locations's page. Any following mentions of a location should (at the very least) include a tiny image of the location and the name of the location. EX: Seaside Resort, Mermaidifier, Hopscotch Islands
    • When first mentioning an item, critter, fish, etc., include a tiny image of the item (if applicable), the name of the item in bold text with a link to the item's page (if applicable). Any following mentions of a item should (at the very least) include a tiny image of the item and the name of the item in bold text. EX: Magic Wand, Pizza
      • If you're explaining how to craft something you can write something like the following (and include a collapsable table if you think I'd be useful): To craft the _ItemName_, the following materials are required: 5x Woodblock, 2x Spark, and 1x Mechanism.
  • The fourth section should include a gallery of images taken while completing the quest.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed quest page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created quest page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the quest page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Comic Relief, Picture Perfect, Reboot the Robots, Espresso Machine Repair, Magic Bubble Wand (Quest).

Quest series page names must be identical to how they are displayed in game and include (quest series) at the end of a page's name. When writing a written description/guide for the quest, you should refer to the player in third person (i.e. "the player"). The basic formatting for the page is as follows:

  • The first section should contain the title of the quest, what type of quest it is, a basic introduction to what happens during the quest, the "main idea", or what game feature it unlocks. It should also include the requirements for unlocking the quest.
  • The second section should include a Sub-heading 1 titled the name of the quest identical to the name. For example, The Fun in Furniture: Part 1.
  • The third section should include a Sub-heading 2 titled "Quest Description". Below the heading should be the in-game quest's description in quotation marks and italicized. Below the quest's description should include a cropped image of the completed quest in-game tab. The image's style/appearance should be altered to match previously created quest pages.
  • The fourth section should include a Sub-heading 2 titled "Quest Information". Below the heading should be an written description/guide for the quest.
    • When first mentioning a HKIA character, include a tiny image of the character, the name of the character in bold text with a link to the character's page. Any following mentions of a character should (at the very least) include a tiny image of the character and the name of the character. EX: Hello Kitty
    • When first mentioning a location, include a tiny image of the location (if applicable), the name of the location in bold text with a link to the locations's page. Any following mentions of a location should (at the very least) include a tiny image of the location and the name of the location. EX: Seaside Resort, Mermaidifier, Hopscotch Islands
    • When first mentioning an item, critter, fish, etc., include a tiny image of the item (if applicable), the name of the item in bold text with a link to the item's page (if applicable). Any following mentions of a item should (at the very least) include a tiny image of the location and the name of the location in bold text. EX: Magic Wand, Pizza
      • If you're explaining how to craft something you can write something like the following (and include a collapsable table if you think I'd be useful): To craft the _ItemName_, the following materials are required: 5x Woodblock, 2x Spark, and 1x Mechanism.
  • Sections 1-4 should be repeated until the final quest in the quest series is finished. After the final quest in the quest series, include a gallery of images taken while completing the quest. You can also put galleries in-between parts of quest series too.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed quest page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created quest page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the quest page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: The Fun in Furniture (quest series), A Friend Indeed (quest series), Potion Hunt (quest series).

Item/Material/Etc. Pages

Item/Material/Etc. page names must be identical to how they are displayed in game. If there is a page with the same name as the item, include what it's referring to in parentheses, as a common example, (Item) at the end of a page's name. When creating a page, please include the correct Category, which can be added in "Edit Source" mode. See "Categories" for more information.

The formatting for items changes based on the item it is, but the basic formatting for the page is as follows:

  • Template:Infobox Item
  • Description section, which can include: Where to find the item, how to unlock the item, who gives the item, etc.
  • Usages/Recipes Tables
  • Gallery

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

The next tab has a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from.

Critter and Fish Pages

When creating a critter or fish page, please include the correct Category (ie. Fish or Critter), which can be added in "Edit Source" mode. See "Categories" for more information.

Critter Pages

Critter page names must be identical to how they are displayed in game.

The basic formatting for the page is as follows:

  • Template:Infobox Critter
  • Description including where the critter is found.
  • Table including information about the critter.
  • Image showing a player catching the critter.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Acactnid, Castle Crab

Fish Pages

Fish page names must be identical to how they are displayed in game.

The basic formatting for the page is as follows:

  • Template:Infobox Fish
  • Description including where the fish is found.
  • Table including information about the fish.
  • Image showing a player catching the fish.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Amethyst Snipe, Kelpfin

Clothing Pages

When creating a clothing item page, please include the correct Categories, which include: [[Category:Clothes]] as well as the type of item it is (ie. Shirts, Outfits, Pants, Skirts, etc.), which can be added in "Edit Source" mode. See "Categories" for more information.

Clothing item page names must be identical to how they are displayed in game.

The basic formatting for the page is as follows:

  • Template:Infobox Clothes
  • Description including where the item is found or purchased.
  • Table including information about the item.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Dreamy Skirt, Gudetama Pants


  • Gallery of images showing a player finding the item.
    • Includes an image of the map location and the player opening the chest, flower, etc.
If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Critter Catcher Hat, Overalls


  • Table showing all dyeable options.
If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Plaid Backpack, Pajama Pants

When creating a outfit set page, please include the correct Categories, which include: [[Category:Clothes]] and [[Category:Clothing Sets]], which can be added in "Edit Source" mode. See "Categories" for more information. Outfit Set page names must be reasonably named so that they can be identifiable to the player. The naming convention for the page should be: OutfitName Outfit (Set) , with the outfit's name replacing "OutfitName" in the title. Some suggestions include: a commonly used name for referring to the outfit, or word(s) that can be easily associated with the item (i.g. Gingerbread Outfit (Set), or Springtime Celebration Outfit (Set)).

The basic formatting for the page is as follows:

  • Image of a player wearing items from the outfit.
  • Description including the number of items are within the outfit set as well as their names.
  • Table including information about each of the items within the outfit set.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Rain Outfit (Set), Gudetama Outfit (Set)


  • Section should include a Sub-heading 1 titled "Outfit Details"
    • Underneath the heading, include information on what event it's associated with, the dates it was first available, and whether items can be dyed using the Clothing Dye Station.
  • Table including information about each of the items within the outfit set.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode. Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Frosty Fashion Frenzy Outfit (Set), Spooky Celebration Outfit (Set), Hugs & Hearts Outfit (Set)


  • Section should include a Sub-heading 1 titled "Outfit Locations"
    • Underneath the heading, include a Sub-heading 2 for each specific clothing item.
    • Underneath Sub-heading 2, include information on where the item is located,
    • Include a gallery with an image of the map location and the player opening the chest, flower, etc. gallery.
  • Table including information about each of the items within the outfit set.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages of outfit sets that are found at specific locations that you can copy page formatting from: Critter Catcher Outfit (Set), Mining Outfit (Set)

Here are a few example pages of outfit sets that are found when completing quests that you can copy page formatting from: Detective Outfit (Set), Concert Outfit (Set)

Shirt Clothing Item Examples
Pants Clothing Item Examples
Hats Clothing Item Examples
Skirts Clothing Item Examples
Outfits Clothing Item Examples
Dresses Clothing Item Examples
Back Accessories Clothing Item Examples
Face Accessories Clothing Item Examples

Furniture Pages

When creating a clothing item page, please include the correct Categories, which include: [[Category:Furniture]] which can be added in "Edit Source" mode. See "Categories" for more information.

Furniture item page names must be identical to how they are displayed in game.

The basic formatting for the page is as follows:

  • Template:Infobox Furniture
  • Description including where the item is found or purchased.
  • Table including information about the item.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Clothing Stand, Spooky Bed, Gudetama Bed


  • Gallery of images showing a player finding the item.
    • Includes an image of the map location and the player opening the chest, flower, etc.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Coastal Bookcase, Hello Kitty Armchair


  • Table showing all customization options.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Antique Bed, Jamboree Crate Display

When creating a Furniture Collection page, please include the correct Categories, which include: [[Category:Furniture]] and [[Category:Furniture Collections]], which can be added in "Edit Source" mode. See "Categories" for more information. Miscellaneous furniture does NOT get it's own page — instead, it must be added to the Miscellaneous Furniture page. Furniture Collection page names must be reasonably named so that they can be identifiable to the player. The naming convention for the page should be: FurnitureCollectionName (Furniture) , with the collections's name replacing "FurnitureCollectionName" in the title. Some suggestions include: a commonly used name for referring to the collection, or word(s) that can be easily associated with the item (i.g. Under the Sea (Furniture), or Colorblaze (Furniture)).

The basic formatting for the page is as follows:

  • Tag icon of the furniture set.
  • Description including the number of items are within the furniture set as well as their names.
  • Table including information about each of the items within the furniture set.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Dreamy (Furniture), Coastal (Furniture), Cottage (Furniture), Yummy (Furniture)


The basic formatting for the page is as follows:

  • Tag icon of the furniture set.
  • Description including the number of items are within the furniture set as well as their names.
    • Include information on what event it's associated with, the dates it was first available, and whether items can be dyed using the Clothing Dye Station.
  • Table including information about each of the items within the furniture set.

If you don't want to manually complete the page formatting, you can copy the formatting from a previously completed page. In order to do so, you can go to an previously created page, select "Edit Source" mode, copy the text, then close (you don't have to save) the page. Next, go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

Here are a few example pages that you can copy page formatting from: Month of Meh (Furniture), 50th Anniversary (Furniture), Luck & Lantern Festival (Furniture)

Empty Page Templates

See also: Hello Kitty Island Adventure Wiki:Page Templates for empty page templates

Naming Conventions, Colors, Galleries, and Icons & Tags


Overall, make sure you name pages correctly & identical to how they appear in-game—including capitalization! They can be changed after the fact though if you make a mistake.

Pages that may have the same name in-game, or have very similar names, are special cases. For example, Mocha and Mocha (Item), or Lucky Star and Lucky Stars (Quest), or Pochacco Energy Pop (Quest) and Pochacco Energy Pop (Item). Use your best judgement when naming these pages or consult senior wiki contributors for what to do!


Images can be renamed after the fact, but make sure you do it right the first time! If you have a typo in an image or mis-name the image, you can rename it by creating a redirect with the images correct name. Make sure you include File: in the redirect as well as the .png/.jpeg/.jpg/.webp at the end of the image name. Additionally, all commonly used images/icons will be named identical to how they appear in-game (99% of the time). For example, if you're looking for an image of Hello Kitty, if you search Hello Kitty in the search bar when selecting an image, you will be able to find the correct image.

Many of our images also include the word "Icon" at the end, for example, if you're looking for an image of the Joke tag, if you search Joke Icon in the search bar when selecting an image, you will be able to find the correct image. File:JokeIcon.webp

If you're new, I recommend using this link here to look at the names of images or searching for images that you're looking for: Special:ListFiles. If you have issues finding an image, you can send a message to the "wiki-org" channel on Discord for some help.

Sometimes images will have abbreviations at the end of them, like "-Desc", "-L1", or "-5". This just makes uploading way easier and keeps images organized or easy to find. For example, if I wanted to find an image that showed the location of the 27th tophat gudetama, it would be called File:Gudetama-W27-L1.png and File:Gudetama-W27-L2.png. Or if I wanted to see the 4th image for the Cinna-Run-Around quest, it would be called File:Cinna-Run-Around-4.png. You get the idea?

Furniture Colors

When inputting colors for furniture customization, use the Custom Color templates. The syntax is {{CustomColor|color#}}, where the 'color' and '#' are replaced.

For example, {{CustomColor|red1}} displays Customization-Imagination-A-1.png .

A list of the entire color key can be located at Custom Color Key.

Flower Colors

For flower colors, use the Flowerspot templates. The syntax is {{flowerspot | color}} , where the word 'color' is replaced by the in-game color.

For example, {{flowerspot | sky}} displays .

Adding a pipe symbol "|" and "name=true" will generate the color and the name of the color.

{{flowerspot | sky | name=true}} now shows   sky

It's easy to make a gallery of thumbnails with the <gallery> tag.

The syntax is:

File:file_name.ext|caption|alt=alt language
File:file_name.ext|caption|alt=alt language

Captions are optional, and may contain wiki links or other formatting.

The gallery tag itself takes several additional parameters, specified as attribute name-value pairs:

<gallery {parameters}>
  • caption="{caption}": (caption text between double quotes for more than one word) sets a caption centered atop the gallery. Only plain text may be used in the caption; formatting, templates and the like will not work.
  • widths={width}: sets the (max) widths of the images in pixels. It has no effect if mode is set to one of the following: <packed, packed-overlay, packed-hover, slideshow. Note the plural: widths.
  • heights={heights}: sets the (max) heights of the images in pixels; the default value is 120px. (It has no effect if mode is set to slideshow.)
  • perrow={integer}: sets the number of images per row. (It has no effect if mode is set to one of the following: packed, packed-overlay, packed-hover, slideshow.) The default is perrow=0 which automatically adjusts the number of images per row based on width of screen.
  • mode={traditional|nolines|packed|packed-hover|packed-overlay|slideshow}:
    • traditional is the original gallery type used by MediaWiki.
    • nolines is similar to <tvar name=2>traditional, but with no border lines.
    • packed causes images to have the same height but different widths, with little space between the images.The rows in this responsive mode organize themselves according to the width of the screen.
    • packed-overlay shows the caption overlaid on the image, in a semi-transparent white box.
    • packed-hover is similar to <tvar name=2>packed-overlay, but with the caption and box only showing up on hover.
    • slideshow creates a slideshow of the images.
  • showthumbnails: For "slideshow" mode only, display the strip with image thumbnails below the slideshow by default.


To create an icon, such as example: Candle.

The Icon template syntax is:


To specify a specific size, use as below


If the image you want to use is different from the name of the page, use as below

{{Icon|PAGENAME|x33px|image=NAME OF IMAGE}}

Linked Icons

To create links with an icon beside it, use the following syntax:



Example: Tuxedosam Tuxedosam


With Different Image File


Example: Tuxedosam's Shop Tuxedosam's Shop

{{Icon/Link|Tuxedosam's Shop|image=Tuxedosam-Icon.png}}

With Different Image Size


Example: Tuxedosam's Shop Tuxedosam's Shop

{{Icon/Link|Tuxedosam's Shop|32x32px|image=Tuxedosam-Icon.png}}

With Different Link Text


Example: Tuxedosam's Shop the best clothing shop

{{Icon/Link|Tuxedosam's Shop|image=Tuxedosam-Icon.png|text=the best clothing shop}}

Icon Tags

To create an icon for Tag, use this template. For example: Fire (Tag).

The template syntax is:


To specify a specific size, use as below


If the image you want to use is different from the name of the page, use as below

{{Icon/Tag|PAGENAME|x33px|image=NAME OF IMAGE}}

Creating Tables

You will use the following table method while creating tables on pages! You can either a) copy a table from a previously completed page... in order to copy a table you can highlight the table on a page that has a table (I don't recommend using this page) and then do Command + C on your keyboard, then paste the table on the page you want the table to be with Command + V!

OR b) copy the following text, then go to the page you want to create, open "Edit Source" mode, and paste in the text that you just copied. Then, for ease of use, change into "Edit" mode.

{| class="wikitable c-table"

If you'd like to change the table settings, go into "Edit" mode and click on the table. Then, press the "Properties" button.

If you want the table to be sortable, turn on the "Sortable" setting. This will allow users to press on arrows that allow them to sort the table.



If you want the table to be collapsible, turn on the "Collapsible" setting. This will allow users to collapse and uncollapse the table as desired.



If the "Collapsible" setting is on, you can also choose to have the table "Collapsed initially" which will always make the table collapsed when the page is visited, making the user have to uncollapse (or "Expand") the table to see the content inside.

If the "Collapsed initially" setting is off, the table will NOT be collapsed when the page is visited, making the user have to collapse the table to NOT see the content inside.

"Collapsed initially" Example:

By default, all columns are aligned to the left in a wikitable. You can align all of the cells within the table the same way. However, sometimes you may want to align a specific column, not the entire table. To align specific columns without having to individually align the cell, you may use the Table Aligment template. Before the table, insert the following: {{Table_alignment}} Now you can input which specific columns you would like to align. The following example center aligns only the 1st column of the table.

{| class="wikitable c-table col1center"
To read more, refer to Template:Table_alignment.

Unreleased/Datamined Content Guidelines

Sunblink does not want the wiki to post content unavailable by normal play in any way that is easily seen or found by players. They do not want such content to be spoiled in any way. Such unreleased/unavailable content should also NEVER be discussed in the Discord server.

All users of the wiki (both contributors and non-contributors) should be aware of and acknowledge that the HKIA wiki is strictly an information hub for game content (released or unreleased), thus it is their responsibility to be mindful of the content they consume online.

However, because they cannot assist the wiki fully with image packs or information checks, they do allow data-mined information to be used to prepare for contents' release or used for content already accessible in-game. Please ask for advice in the wiki-org channel of the Discord if you are unsure if what you are doing is permitted.

As wiki contributors, we must always do our best to accommodate all users of the wiki and be respectful of those who do not wish to view spoilers or datamined content by adhering to our guidelines about unreleased/unavailable content, especially if the content was obtained by data-mining.

Below are some guidelines for including unreleased/datamined content on the wiki:

  • If the entire page consists of unreleased content, ensure that it has, at the very least, the {{Unavailable}} stub at the very top of the page. For more information, please see "Stub" and Stubs and Templates.
  • Keep unavailable content to whatever page is made for it as much as possible; that is, do not put it on pages that compile info.
  • Try to NOT create pages where the name is a spoiler.
  • Any unreleased/unavailable/data-mined information on pages MUST be hidden using the "Comment" feature. For more information, please see "Editing Pages".
    • Hiding the information in other ways that can be visible to normal viewers, such as in a collapsed table, is NOT permitted.
  • If the availability is ambiguous, we should treat it as unavailable until proven otherwise.


Page Comment

As mentioned, page comments are not visible outside of editing mode and must be used with unavailable content.

In "Edit" mode, there will be an "Insert" button that has a "Comment" option. "Comment" will allow you to leave a comment to future editors of a page. Comments do not appear in "Read" mode.

To do this, first go into "Edit" mode, and insert a "Comment" onto the page.

Once you've inserted a "Comment" onto the page (in "Edit" mode), go to "Edit Source" mode and insert the unavailable content.

*All of the text/content inside of the comment should be in wikitext language (aka compatible with "Edit Source" mode).

If it helps, first create the page in "Edit" mode, then go to "Edit Source" mode and insert the content into the "Comment".

You can also copy the below text and paste onto the page in "Edit Source" mode directly and make the appropriate edits.
SPOILER: The following content is datamined and should be added to the page once it's available in-game.

insert unavailable content
You can also include the {{wip2}} template at the top of the page as a warning to editors.

{{Unavailable}} is used to indicate that a page has content that has been obtained through the use of data-mining. This also ensures that users of the wiki understand why the page does not display all/some information. Additionally, this stub indicates content that may be changed or altered in the future. If there is non-datamined content on the page but also some hidden content that leaves obviously incomplete information, like question marks in a table, you can use {{Unavailable/Complete}} to communicate that the visible page information is complete at the present time.

Placeholder Page

For unreleased content, there is also a placeholder page that has a list of pages that act as placeholders for unreleased content. See Placeholder and Talk:Placeholder for more information.

All mentions of time traveling and any information obtained by time traveling are prohibited! Please note that any player time-traveling does so at their own risk. It can cause major issues with games and disables Multiplayer play, as HKIA is not a game structured to accommodate time-traveling.

No discussion or information about how to data-mine or manipulate time will be allowed at any time on this wiki.


Thanks for reading! Welcome to the Wiki Family! <3

Again, you can always send a message to the "wiki-org" channel on Discord for some help!