Hello Kitty Island Adventure Wiki:Rules
See also: Hello Kitty Island Adventure Wiki:Contribution Guide
Hey there, welcome to the Official Hello Kitty Island Adventure Wikipedia — we're so glad you're here! On this page are the rules for the wiki. Failure to comply with any of these rules may result in a warning or temporary/permanent ban.
This wiki is a publicly accessible website intended to provide everyone and anyone further support and to be used as a resource while playing the game!
If you're interested in contributing to our wiki after reading the rules, make sure to also read the HKIA Wiki Contribution Guide!
Any questions? Feel free to send a message in the "wiki-org" channel on Discord for some help!
Community Rules
To ensure that our HKIA Wiki Community continues to be friendly, helpful, and fun, here are some ground rules:
No vandalizing or griefing: Contributors put a lot of hours and effort into creating wiki guides and wiki pages for the HKIA community; please respect the work of original page contributors and editors. Inappropriate behavior includes:
- Removing large pieces of content
- Creating inappropriate content/unrelated content
If you intend to remove any large pieces of content from a page, please send a message in the "wiki-org" channel on Discord with your concern and what you intend to remove. However, reorganization of pages, fixing outdated information, and small edits are permitted.
Be respectful: This is just common sense — treat others how you want to be treated!
Content Rules
We prohibit certain types of content: This wiki is specifically for Hello Kitty Island Adventure information, therefore creating inappropriate content/unrelated content is not allowed.
Any content that does not follow this guideline will be reverted and/or deleted.
Content that is ALLOWED includes:
- Photos taken while playing the game.
- Informational text that pertains to "how-to" information or is valuable to the playing experience.
- All content must pertain to Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Images must be from the game and not from other sources.
- Visual guide images are permitted but should either be made by a wiki contributor or used with permission (and credited).
- No links to 3rd Party Sites or information without approval from Sunblink.
- Links to official information (such as interviews or content from Apple and Sanrio) are allowed.
- If a link is whitelisted in the Discord or posted there by someone with the Content Creator role, it can be assumed to be approved by Sunblink.
Unreleased Information
Unreleased information (including images) obtained through alternative methods like data-mining (or any information not accessible through normal play) should not be made publicly available on the wiki.
Sunblink does not want such information to be visible to the public here, as this wiki is recognized by them and is whitelisted in the Discord server. Sunblink does not take action if work is prepared in comment tags, but nothing unavailable should be visible on a page. Similarly, try to avoid making a page if the very name of the page is a spoiler for unreleased content, as the page can still pop up as a suggested page in the search.
It helps to use the {{Unavailable}} stub or tag the page with the {{wip2}} template to indicate if a page consists of or contains such information. If you don't know how stubs and templates work, please see "Stubs and Templates".
Unreleased information should NEVER be discussed in the Discord server.
Content Disclaimer
All users of the wiki (both contributors and non-contributors) should be aware of and acknowledge that the HKIA wiki is strictly an information hub for game content (released or unreleased), thus it is their responsibility to be mindful of the content they consume online.
However, as wiki contributors, we must always do our best to accommodate all users of the wiki and be respectful of those who do not wish to view spoilers or data-mined content by adhering to our guidelines about information obtained via data-mining or time traveling. See " Unreleased/Datamined Content Guidelines".
All mentions of time-traveling and any information obtained by date manipulation are prohibited!
Please note that any player time-traveling does so at their own risk. It can cause major issues with games and disables Multiplayer play, as HKIA is not a game structured to accommodate time-traveling.