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The Inventory holds almost every item that the player currently has.

Items that do not show in the regular Inventory Inventory include:


The Inventory has no caps on the maximum amounts of almost all items, but it can only display quantities up to 999.

The only items with a set maximum are Friendship Bouquet Friendship Bouquets, Friendship Blossom Friendship Blossoms, and Island Bouquet Island Bouquets, which have a limit of 3 before My Melody My Melody stops giving them as Daily Rewards Daily Rewards. (More than 3 of each can be obtained if the items are obtained in other ways, but My Melody My Melody only distributes them if the player has less than 3 of that item.)

The Inventory does not track items stored in Visitor Cabins. Some people do use Visitor Cabins to store unwanted items because there is no way to permanently remove most items. The Recycling Plant Recycling Plant can accept many items, but not every item can be recycled.

All Inventory items have the Emote Button Icon.png Emote option under them when selected. This temporarily puts the item in a thought bubble over the players head. It is meant to be a way to communicate about items in Multiplayer Multiplayer.

Tabs, Sorting, and Filters

Currently, there are 10 different tabs (or sections) in the Inventory, where items are split up by item types. The different tabs can be navigated to the Inventory Arrow Left.png left and Inventory Arrow Right.png right by pressing the corresponding direction arrows or by pressing the tab's icon with touch controls.

The different tabs are the Toolbox, general Items, Food, Flowers, Critters, Fish, Clothes, Furniture, Comic Books, and Music Discs.

All tabs can be sorted using the Sort Button Icon.png Sort By button under the list of items in that tab. The possible options are the default sort order, rarity, and quantity, but sometimes the default is not an option ― usually because sort by rarity is the same as the default for that tab.

Many, but not all, sections can also be filtered for specific kinds of items, and the filters available are different for each filterable tab. The filter options are brought up by selecting the Filter Button Icon.png Filter button under the list of items in that tab.


The Toolbox Button Icon.png Toolbox contains important items such as event currency, quest items, and other important items. It also has Hello Kitty Box.png Character Gift Boxes and Potions Potions.

When a Hello Kitty Box.png Character Box is selected, the Open Button Icon.png Open option shows under the item information on the right. Clicking it will give the option to open only one box or all of that type.

When a Potions Potion is selected, the Consume Button Icon.png Consume option shows under the item information on the right. Clicking that option will let the player use 1 potion to temporarily gain a beneficial effect. The option does not appear if the player has a companion with an ability that provides a similar or better bonus.


The Items Button Icon.png Items tab includes important items such as Friendship Bouquet Friendship Bouquets, Friendship Blossom Friendship Blossoms, Island Bouquet Island Bouquets, and all other items that do not fall under the other tabs, such as non-event currency, candles, Nul Nul costumes, Coral Spores Coral Spores, Game Tickets Game Tickets, and materials.

When a Friendship Bouquet Friendship Bouquet or Island Bouquet Island Bouquet is selected, the Use Button Icon.png Use option shows under the item information on the right. After the player clicks the Use Button Icon.png Use option, a confirmation dialogue box will pop up to confirm the usage of the bouquet.


The Food Button Icon.png Food tab includes all in-game food items, including basic food materials, event food items, and regular non-event food items.

Additional Filter Button Icon.png Filters in this tab allows for filtering by Basic Food Filter Icon.png Basic uncooked food materials, and by Cooked Food Filter Icon.png Cooked food items.

Food Recipes obtained by the player are NOT listed here.


The Flowers Button Icon.png Flower tab lists all of the event and non-event plucked flowers and sprouts that the player has.

Seed Icon.png Seeds and Penstemum Seed.png Seed Packets are NOT listed here.

Additional Filter Button Icon.png Filters in this tab allows for filtering by the following methods:

  • Flower Type Button Icon.png Flower Type : filter by flower breed, such as Bellbuttons or Hibiscus flowers.
  • Flower Growth Button Icon.png Flower Growth: filter by growth stage, such as Penstemum.png plucked flowers or Penstemum Troweled.png sprouts
  • Color Button Icon.png Flower Color: filter by flower colors. The chart below lists the possible flower colors.
Possible Flower Colors
 white  red  coral  orange  yellow  lime  green
 warm pink  blush  peach  cream  pistachio  mint
 teal  sky  blue  indigo  violet  magenta  hot pink
 seafoam  cloud  ice  periwinkle  lilac  cool pink  pink
  • Pattern Button Icon.png Flower Pattern: filter by pattern type, such as no pattern, ombre, trim, etc.
    • Possible pattern filters: No Pattern.png Ombre Pattern.png Trim Pattern.png Speckled Pattern.png Striped Pattern.png Iridescent Pattern.png Patch Pattern.png Glow Pattern.png


The Critters Button Icon.png Critter tab includes all of the critters within the player's inventory.

Additional Filter Button Icon.png Filters in this tab allows for filtering by the following methods:

  • Critter Type Button Icon.png Critter Types: filter by types, such as: ground, water, or air critters
    • Ground Critters Filter Icon.png Water Critters Filter Icon.png Air Critters Filter Icon.png
  • Rarity Button Icon.png Critter Rarity: filter by rarity, such as: common, uncommon, or rare
    • Common Filter Icon.png Uncommon Filter Icon.png Rare Filter Icon.png
  • Location Button Icon.png: Critter Region: filter by where the critter is located. Possible regions are listed below:
    • Seaside Resort Spooky Swamp Gemstone Mountain Mount Hothead Icy Peak Cloud Island


The Fish Button Icon.png Fish tab includes all of the fish within the player's inventory.

Additional Filter Button Icon.png Filters in this tab allows for filtering by the following methods:

  • Rarity Button Icon.png Fish Rarity: filter by rarity, such as common, uncommon, or rare
    • Common Filter Icon.png Uncommon Filter Icon.png Rare Filter Icon.png
  • Location Button Icon.png: Fish Region: filter by where the Fish is located. Possible regions are listed below:
    • Seaside Resort Spooky Swamp Gemstone Mountain Mount Hothead Icy Peak Cloud Island


The Clothes Button Icon.png Clothes tab includes all of the clothes within the player's inventory.

Additional Filter Button Icon.png Filters in this tab allows for filtering by the following methods:

  • Clothes Type Button Icon.png Clothing Types: filter by type of clothing, such as: tops, customizable clothing, bottoms, head items, full body clothing (outfits), body accessories like backpacks or wings, accessories like sunglasses, or balloons
    • Top Clothes Filter Icon.png Customizable Clothes Filter Icon.png Full Body Clothes Filter Icon.png Bottom Clothes Filter Icon.png Head Clothes Filter Icon.png Accessory Clothes Filter Icon.png Body Accessory Clothes Filter Icon.png Balloon Clothes Filter Icon.png
  • Tags Button Icon.png Clothing Tags: filter by tags, such as event tags, regional tabs, or weather tags.
    • Examples of tags: 50th Anniversary Meadow Steamy


The Furniture Button Icon.png Furniture tab includes all of the furniture within the player's inventory. If a player has crafted a Cooking Station, it will be listed here.

Additional Filter Button Icon.png Filters in this tab allows for filtering by the following methods:

  • Tags Button Icon.png Furniture Tags: filter by tags, such as event tags, regional tabs, or weather tags.
    • Examples of tags: 50th Anniversary Icy Peak Tag Steamy
  • Furniture Button Icon.png Furniture Types: filter by type of furniture, such as: boxes, beds, flooring, plants, tables, chairs, mirrors, lamps, bookcases, wallpaper, decorative items, or home essentials.
    • Example of tags: Box Pillow Wallpaper

Comic Books

The Comics Button Icon.png Comic Book tab includes all of the comic books within the player's inventory, including complete Comic Book sets.

Music Discs

The Music Button Icon.png Music Disc tab includes all of the music discs within the player's inventory.


The Multiplayer Reclaim Cabins Button.png Multiplayer Reclaim button at the top left of the screen allows players to reclaim items left on other player's islands due to Multiplayer friendship quest requirements.

A confirmation dialogue box will pop up. The player must select Confirm Button Icon.png Reclaim to confirm their action.