Master Control Room

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Master Control Room-4.webp
Name Master Control Room
Location Northeast
Region Gemstone Mountain Icon.png Gemstone Mountain


The Master Control Room entrance is located in the High Desert of Gemstone Mountain Gemstone Mountain, northeast of Gemstone Town, and almost directly south from the Icy Peak Entrance Fast Travel Icon.png fast-travel point. The player will gain access to this location during the "Reboot the Robots" quest. The room is later revisited during the "Island Glitch" quest.

There is 1 Nul inside the room. Outside of quests, the only object in the room that can be interacted with is a Red Button.png red button on the upper right computer, which does nothing when pressed.

The room was completely replaced in version 1.8.0, having previously looked stylewise like the Crystal Caves rather than a datacenter terminal.