Multiplayer Quests

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Multiplayer Quests are quests that can only be completed during a Multiplayer Icon.png Multiplayer session. Each quest requires two players.

Separately, there are also Multiplayer Friendship Tasks. Those are not quests as the game defines them, but completing one task is required for the "Adventure Together" weekly quest. The Friendship Tasks can raise your Multiplayer Friendship Level only with the player who you complete the tasks with. For each particular pair of players, those are limited to 3 Friendship Tasks per Multiplayer Friendship Level per week, resetting on Mondays. Refer to the "Friendship Tasks" section of the Multiplayer page for more information.

Quest List (alphabetical)

Name Requirements Other
Friends From Afar "Open the Nature Preserve" quest Friendship Bead.png Friendship Beads

Friendship Quests (Multiplayer)

Spooky Secrets (quest series) Be actively hosting a Multiplayer session with a friend who is level 2+

Friendship Level 5 - Tophat_Icon.png TOPHAT "A Challenging Rescue" quest

"Friends From Afar" quest

Basement_Library_(Collection_Icon).png Basement Library

Forest_Witch_Hat.png Forest Witch Hat (Room 1)

Ice_Witch_Dress.png Ice Witch Dress (Room 2)

Ice_Witch_Hat.png Ice Witch Hat (Room 3)

Strawberry_Witch_Hat.png Strawberry Witch Hat (Room 3)

Strawberry_Witch_Dress.png Strawberry Witch Dress (Room 4)

Vacation Homes Be actively hosting a Multiplayer session with a friend who is level 4+

"Friends From Afar" quest

Multiplayer guest can be invited to move into a cabin