Visitor Cabins

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A Visitor Cabin on the Cozy Islands

Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Visitor Cabins are residences scattered across Friendship Island that players can repair and upgrade using special kinds of Crates. When decorated to meet certain requirements, visitor cabins can become home to various characters that can visit the islands.

Different islands use different Crates.

To get their first visitor cabin and claim it for their own, the player must complete the "Make Yourself At Home" quest. To unlock more visitor cabins, the player must complete the "Friends and Family" quest. To unlock the option to upgrade visitor cabins, the player must complete the "Bigger on the Inside" quest.

In City Town City Town, the Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower functions as a Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Visitor Cabin.

Visitor Cabins by Region

Every region has different amounts of visitor cabins that require different amounts of Strawberry Crate.png Strawberry Crates to open. My Melody My Melody can reduce the cost to open by 1 crate if she has the ability unlocked and is currently the player’s companion.

Friendship Island Cabins
Region Name Cost in Strawberry Crate.png Crates # of Cabins Visitor Requirement
Seaside Resort Seaside Resort 3 8 Mimmy.png Mimmy, Dear Daniel-Icon.png Dear Daniel, Tam.png Tam, Pam Pam, My Melody's Grandpa My Melody's Grandpa, My Melody's Grandma Icon.png My Melody's Grandma, My Melody's Mama Icon.png My Melody's Mama, My Melody's Papa My Melody's Papa, George White Icon.png George White, Mary White.png Mary White, Hello Kitty's Grandma.pngHello Kitty's Grandma, Hello Kitty's Grandpa.pngHello Kitty's Grandpa
Spooky Swamp Spooky Swamp 5 4 Baku.png Baku, Koroppi Koroppi, Pikki Pikki
Gemstone Mountain Gemstone Mountain 7 5 Macaron Icon.png Macaron, Pompompurin's Papa Icon.png Pompompurin's Papa, Pompompurin's Mama Icon.png Pompompurin's Mama, Carl Carl, Ruby Ruby
Rainbow Reef Rainbow Reef 5 4
Mount Hothead Mount Hothead 10 4 Fenneko Fenneko, Haida Haida, Gori Gori
Cloud Island Cloud Island 12 5 Corune.png Corune
Merry Meadow Merry Meadow 16 6 Lou.png Lou, Aro.png Aro, Poco.png Poco, Chico Chico, Marin Marin, Lutz.png Lutz, Roseanne.png Roseanne, Nina Nina
Imagination Island Cabins
Region Name Cost in Orange Sherbet Crate.png Crates # of Cabins Visitor Requirement
City Town City Town *Depends on floor level 1 (Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower) Panya.png Panya, Buppi.png Buppi, Wanwa.png Wanwa, Sora.png Sora, Nyako Nyako

Visitor Residents

There are many Island Visitors who may visit a cabin if it meets their requirements. Some are always traveling, while others travel on a weekly or seasonal schedule. Their visits usually last until the end of the day when their current request is filled. A visitor that has reached a Island Vibe Star Icon.png 5-star rating by fulfilling their Daily Quests on 5 occasions can be asked to permanently move into a cabin.

If the player wants a visitor to leave, the player can kick them out by choosing that option from the cabin or room sign. However, it is not necessary to make a visitor leave in order to move the visitor or their cabin. The cabin swap option swaps both the cabin or room's contents and the visitor occupying it, whether they are temporarily visiting or permanently in residence.

Only one Island Visitor can reside in a cabin (if there is only one room). To have multiple visitors in a cabin, the player must upgrade the cabin.

Furnishing Visitor Cabins

In order to furnish a visitor cabin, the player must first enter the desired cabin that they would like to furnish. After entering the cabin, there will be a Cabin-Furnishing Button.png "furnishing" icon on the lower right corner of the screen. Selecting that button will enter the player into the furnishing mode.

When pressing on the Cabin-Add Furniture Button.png "add furniture" icon, a menu will pop-up that will display all of the items that the player can place on the floor of the cabin that are currently in the player's inventory. The player can choose from five different categories: Items Button Icon.png All Items, Food Button Icon.png Food, Critters Button Icon.png Critters, Furniture Button Icon.png Furniture, Flowers Button Icon.png Flowers, and Comics Button Icon.png Comic Books.

Items Button Icon.png All Items will display all the possible items that the player can place in the cabin. Food Button Icon.png Food will display all the possible food items that the player can place in the cabin. Critters Button Icon.png Critters will display all the possible critters that the player can place in the cabin. Furniture Button Icon.png Furniture will display all the possible furniture items that the player can place in the cabin. Flowers Button Icon.png Flowers will display all the possible flowers that the player can place in the cabin. Comics Button Icon.png Comic Books will display all the possible comic items that the player can place in the cabin.

When the player finds an item they would like to use, they can press Cabin-Place Button.png "Place", which will then remove the item from the player's inventory and place it into the cabin, or Not Icon.png "Cancel" to cancel placing an item.

In order to move furniture around, the player can press on the desired item to select it. This allows the player to drag it to a new position and causes three icons to appear: Cabin-Rotate Button.png Rotate, Cabin-Remove Button.png Remove, and Confirm Button Icon.png Confirm. The Cabin-Rotate Button.png Rotate icon will allow the player to rotate the piece of furniture to the desired rotation. The Cabin-Remove Button.png Remove icon will remove the piece of furniture from the cabin and place it back into the player's inventory. The Confirm Button Icon.png Confirm icon will confirm any changes made to the piece of furniture.

The player can also change the wallpaper and flooring of the cabin by pressing the Cabin-Wallpaper-Flooring Button.png "paint roller" icon. A menu will appear on screen that allows the player to select which Wallpaper Button Icon.png wallpaper orFlooring Button Icon.png flooring they would like to use to decorate the cabin.

How to place items on Clothing Stands or inside Aquarium Tanks and Terrariums.*Players no longer need to exit "furnishing mode" to place items on tables. Players can now only place items on tables while in "furnishing mode".

To place items on Clothing Stand.png Clothing Stands or inside Aquarium Tank.png Aquarium Tanks and Terrarium.png Terrariums, the player must exit out of furnishing mode by pressing the Exit Button.png exit button and walk up to the object. When close enough, the Interact Icon.png interact icon will appear on the lower right side of the screen. Once pressing on the Interact Icon.png interact icon, a menu will pop-up that will display all the possible items that can be displayed that are currently in the player's inventory. When the player finds an item they would like to use, they can press Cabin-Place Button.png "Accept", which will then remove the item from the player's inventory and place it onto/into the object.

Players no longer need to exit Cabin-Furnishing Button.png "furnishing mode" to place items on tables. Players can now only place items on tables while in Cabin-Furnishing Button.png "furnishing mode"!

To remove all items in a cabin, the player can press the Cabin-Pack Up Button.png "pack up" icon near the "add furniture" and "paint roller" icons. A pop up with appear to confirm if the player really wants to put all items in the cabin back into their inventory.

To exit furnishing mode, the player can press the Exit Button.png exit button in the upper right corner of the screen.

An island visitor's cabin can be altered after they've become a permanent resident, meaning that the island visitor's cabin requirements do not have to be met once they've become a permanent resident. If the player has not reached a Island Vibe Star Icon.png 5-star rating with an island visitor, then the cabin must meet the island visitor's cabin requirements.

Cabin Swapping

Once the player has opened more than one cabin, the entire contents of the cabin can be swapped between cabins. In a non-upgraded cabin, this is done by Magnifying Glass Icon.png interacting with the cabin's sign and choosing the "swap" Cabin Swap Icon.png option. This also swaps any visitor to the same location as their cabin's contents. In an upgraded cabin, the information Magnifying Glass Icon.png icon at the top right of the outdoor cabin sign or the room plaques inside the cabin have the "swap" Cabin Swap Icon.png option. See "Residents" for more information.

An island visitor can be moved to a different cabin once they've become a permanent resident. If the island visitor is required to be located in a specific region, they will only be able to be re-located to another cabin in that region using the "swap" Cabin Swap Icon.png option. For example, Mimmy.png Mimmy is required to have a cabin in Seaside Resort Icon.png Seaside Resort and cannot be moved to a cabin in a different region, such as Spooky Swamp Icon.png Spooky Swamp.

Hearts Meaning

Example of 5 pluses near a cabin visitor. Pluses were changed to hearts in version 2.0.

Visitors have a 50% chance of visiting if you fulfill their cabin requirements. You can increase those chances by adding items that they like.

The Friendship heart.png hearts match a visitor’s liked tag item(s) in a 1:1 ratio, up to five. The hearts are the same as the number of matching tag items for the visitor.

The hearts increase the normal 50% chance that a visitor visits on any given day. The exact amount of impact that the hearts have has not been confirmed, but the effect of 5 hearts is significant.

Upgrading Visitor Cabins

After completing the "Bigger on the Inside" quest, the player can upgrade any repaired visitor cabin in any region to add up to 5 additional rooms. To upgrade a cabin, the player must Magnifying Glass Icon.png interact with the cabin's sign and choose the "upgrade" Upgrade Cabin Icon.png option. Upgrading turns the main room into a lobby, shifts any preexisting cabin room into Room A of the cabin, and opens room B. My Melody My Melody's ability does not lower the cost of cabin upgrades.

Once a cabin is upgraded, certain functions previously accessed through interacting with the main cabin sign (such as swapping a visitor cabin's resident to a new location)

Upgrading Friendship Island Cabins
Upgrade # Cost in Strawberry Crate.png Crates Additions
1 3 lobby + room B
2 5 room C
3 8 lobby stairs + room D
4 15 room E
5 25 room F

To upgrade the Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower, the player must use Orange Sherbet Crate.png Orange Sherbet Crates.

See "Rainbow Tower" for more information on how to upgrade the Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower.

For Friendship Island Icon.png Friendship Island cabins the upgrade costs are always the same, regardless of how much it cost to originally open the cabin. This results in an element of strategy to get the best crates-to-rooms ratio, especially in Merry Meadow Merry Meadow and Cloud Island Cloud Island.

For example, the cheapest known method to get 8 rooms in Merry Meadow is 62 crates, which is to unlock 2 cabins with My Melody-Icon.png My Melody and then give them 3 upgrades each ((15 + 3 + 5 + 8) × 2 = 62).

Player Cabins

The player will be able to claim their own cabin once they have completed the "Make Yourself At Home" quest. To claim a cabin, the player must go to one of their repaired Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Cabins, walk up to the sign outside of an un-upgraded cabin or a room plaque inside of an upgraded cabin, and select the "Move In" button. Cabins occupied by Island Visitors can be claimed, but the visitor will be forced to move out immediately. The player can also move out of their own cabin by walking up to the sign outside of their currently owned cabin and selecting the "Move Out" button. A cabin that is owned by the player the Player Cabin Icon.png star icon on the cabin's sign.

Multiplayer Cabins

In multiplayer, the hosting player will be able to have a guest move into a cabin once the host has completed the "Friends From Afar" quest and achieved a friendship level of 4 or higher with another player. Additionally, the player must have completed the "Friends and Family" quest. Having a multiplayer friend at level 4 or higher visiting also unlocks the "Vacation Homes" quest, which gives instructions on how to invite the guest player into a cabin.

To move a guest in, the host must interact with the cabin of a repaired and unoccupied Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Visitor Cabin (or the room plaque of an unoccupied room in an upgraded cabin), select the "Invite Friend" option, and then confirm the invitation. A cabin that is a multiplayer cabin will have the Multiplayer Cabin Icon.png multiplayer icon.

The guest invited to the cabin will receive a notification at the top of their screen, and interacting with it will give them the option to teleport to their new cabin. The guest can then enter the cabin and decorate it if they want. If the host also enters the cabin, the host can react to the guest's decorating with emotes on the screen.

Items placed by a guest still belong to the guest, and the guest can reclaim their items at any time, even while not on the host's island, by interacting with the Multiplayer Quest Symbol.png multiplayer button in their inventory. If they do so while not on the host island, the cabin on the host island will remain decorated until the guest visits the host again.

The host can also remove the guest from the cabin at any time. Interacting with a multiplayer guest's cabin's sign will show the option to "Kick Friend". If the host clicks that and then confirms their choice, the guest will be moved out immediately. If the guest is not on the island and has not yet reclaimed decorations from their end, the guest will receive their items upon their next visit.