Imagination Cafe (Achievement)

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Not yet available on all platforms.
New content usually releases first on Apple Arcade Apple Arcade.

The ultimate goal is to complete 8 goals related to the Imagination Cafe! The player can access their Achievements application via the Tablet in the upper right corner of the screen.

List of Objectives

Image Name Description
Mochi Maker "Make a Mochi"
Dango Designer "Make a Dango"
Boba Enthusiast "Make a Boba Tea"
N/A Cafe Apprentice "Complete 10 Orders in Imagination Cafe"
N/A Cafe Amateur "Complete 50 Orders in Imagination Cafe"
N/A Cafe Journeyman "Complete 100 Orders in Imagination Cafe"
N/A Cafe Artisan "Complete 300 Orders in Imagination Cafe"
N/A Cafe Master "Complete 1000 Orders in Imagination Cafe"