Imagination Cafe

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A player posing in Imagination Cafe.

Imagination Cafe is a cafe run by Usahana in City Town Icon.png City Town. It is located in near the Fast Travel Icon.png City Center fast-travel mailbox. Located inside are the Chef's Station, where players can cook a variety of food, and the Imagination Cafe Computer, which players can use to open or close the cafe to customers and order special ingredients.

The Imagination Cafe is unlocked during the "A Whole New Menu" quest at friendship level 3 with Usahana. Opening the Cafe to customers requires the "Imagination Cafe" quest at friendship level 7 with Usahana.

Chef's Station

The Chef's Station is a cooking station located in the Imagination Cafe in City Town Icon.png City Town. With the Chef's Station, the player can use Rice.png Rice, Rice Flour.png Rice Flour, Tapioca.png Tapioca, and Tea Leaves.png Tea Leaves, along with other ingredients, to make Mochi.png Mochi, Dango.png Dango, and Boba.png Boba. Use of the Chef's Station is unlocked through the "A Whole New Menu" quest at friendship level 3 with Usahana Icon.png Usahana. Raising friendship with Usahana Icon.png Usahana unlocks further recipes.

Usahana Icon.png Usahana's companion ability can double the result from the Chef's Station. The Chef's Station is not affected by Hello Kitty-Icon.png Hello Kitty's companion ability.


Mochi.png Mochi

List of Chef's Station Mochi Recipes
Image Name Tags Rarity Ingredients
(Rice Flour.png Rice Flour + __)
Mochi - Sweet.png Sweet Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Candy Cloud.png Candy Cloud
Mochi - Wheat.png Wheat Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Flour.png Flour
Mochi - Rich.png Rich Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Tofu.png Tofu
Mochi - Strawberry.png Strawberry Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Strawberry.png Strawberry
Mochi - Banana.png Banana Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Banana.png Banana
Mochi - Pineapple.png Pineapple Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Pineapple.png Pineapple
Mochi - Coffee.png Coffee Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Candlenut.png Candlenut
Mochi - Starry.png Starry Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Starfruit.png Starfruit
Mochi - Sakura.png Sakura Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Sakura.png Sakura
Mochi - Cheesy.png Cheesy Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Moon Cheese.png Moon Cheese
Mochi - Pumpkin.png Pumpkin Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Pumpkin.png Pumpkin
Mochi - Creamy.png Creamy Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Coral Milk.png Coral Milk
Mochi - Egg.png Egg Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Egg.png Egg
Mochi - Nutty.png Nutty Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Toasted Almond.png Toasted Almond
Mochi - Magical.png Magical Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Glow Berry.png Glow Berry
Mochi - Cinnamon.png Cinnamon Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Cinna Bloom.png Cinna Bloom
Mochi - Spicy.png Spicy Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Magma Bloom.png Magma Bloom
Mochi - Chocolate.png Chocolate Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Chocolate Coin.png Chocolate Coin
Mochi - Veggie.png Veggie Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Spinip.png Spinip
Mochi - Apple.png Apple Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Apple.png Apple
Mochi - Confetti.png Confetti Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Rainbow Sprinkles.png Rainbow Sprinkles

(only acquired during event: Happy Haven Days)

Mochi - Frosty.png Frosty Mochi Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Snowcicle.png Snowcicle

Dango.png Dango

Dango.png Dango can be created at the Chef Station.png Chef's Station by combining a Stick.png Stick with 3x Mochi.png Mochi. Each Mochi.png Mochi must be selected individually in the station even if using 3 of the same flavor.

Chef's Station Dango Recipe
Image Name Tags Rarity Ingredients
Dango.png Dango Imagination Icon.png Mochi Icon.png Common Stick.png Stick + Mochi.png Mochi + Mochi.png Mochi + Mochi.png Mochi

The name of the resulting Dango.png Dango depends on the types of Mochi.png Mochi used to make it and the order they were input.

  • Triple (flavor) Dango: All 3 Mochi.png Mochi were the same flavor.
  • Double (first flavor) (second flavor) Dango: 2 Mochi.png Mochi were the same flavor and one was not.
  • (first flavor) (second flavor) (third flavor) Dango: All 3 Mochi.png Mochi were different flavors.

The input order does impact the visual colors of the Dango.png Dango if it is displayed in Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Visitor Cabins. However, customers of the Imagination Cafe do not care if the flavor order of the dango matches the flavor order of their requests. The following are examples of Dango items.

Boba.png Boba

Boba.png Boba can be created at the Chef Station.png Chef's Station in different combinations using a variety of ingredients. The name of the resulting Boba.png Boba depends on the ingredients used to make it. The player must use at least 1x Tea Leaves.png Tea Leaves and one ingredient to make Boba.png Boba.

The player can customize the Boba.png Boba by creating it with or without Coral Milk.png Coral Milk, creating it with or without Tapioca.png Tapioca, or using no or up to 3x Honeycomb.png Honeycomb.

Boba Tea Recipe Modifiers
Milk Boba Sweetness
Ingredient # Used Type Ingredient # Used? Type Ingredient # Used? Type
Coral Milk.png Coral Milk 0 -- Tapioca.png Tapioca 0 No Boba Honeycomb.png Honeycomb 0 Unsweetened
1 Semi-Sweet
1 Milk 1 Boba 2 Sweet
3 Very Sweet

Whether Boba.png Boba uses Coral Milk.png Coral Milk or not and Tapioca.png Tapioca or not, as well as what is the base ingredient, does affect the visual appearance of Boba.png Boba in Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Visitor Cabins, but sweetness level does not. The base ingredient determines the color of the tea, Coral Milk.png Coral Milk adds a white layer to the top of the tea, and Tapioca.png Tapioca adds boba pearls to the bottom of the tea. All Boba.png Boba types share the same inventory icon.

Example Boba Combinations
Ingredient Milk? Tapioca? Honeycomb? Ingredients (Visual Display) Result Image
Cinna Bloom.png Cinna Bloom Yes -- -- Tea Leaves.png Tea Leaves + Cinna Bloom.png Cinna Bloom + Coral Milk.png Coral Milk Unsweetened Cinnamon Milk Tea, No Boba Unsweetened Cinnamon Milk Tea, No Boba.png
Tofu.png Tofu -- Yes 1x Tea Leaves.png Tea Leaves + Tofu.png Tofu + Tapioca.png Tapioca + Honeycomb.png Honeycomb Semi-Sweet Rich Boba Tea Semi-Sweet Rich Boba Tea.png
Glow Berry.png Glow Berry -- -- 2x Tea Leaves.png Tea Leaves + Glow Berry.png Glow Berry + Honeycomb.png Honeycomb + Honeycomb.png Honeycomb Sweet Magical Tea, No Boba Sweet Magical Tea, No Boba.png
Magma Bloom.png Magma Bloom Yes Yes 3x Tea Leaves.png Tea Leaves + Magma Bloom.png Magma Bloom + Coral Milk.png Coral Milk + Tapioca.png Tapioca + Honeycomb.png Honeycomb + Honeycomb.png Honeycomb + Honeycomb.png Honeycomb Very Sweet Spicy Milk Boba Tea Very Sweet Spicy Milk Boba Tea.png
List of Boba Flavors and Basic Ingredients
Image Name Tags Rarity Ingredients
(Tea Leaves.png Tea Leaves + __)
Boba - Wheat.png Wheat Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Flour.png Flour
Boba - Rich.png Rich Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Tofu.png Tofu
Boba - Strawberry.png Strawberry Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Strawberry.png Strawberry
Boba - Banana.png Banana Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Banana.png Banana
Boba - Pineapple.png Pineapple Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Pineapple.png Pineapple
Boba - Coffee.png Coffee Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Candlenut.png Candlenut
Boba - Starry.png Starry Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Starfruit.png Starfruit
Boba - Sakura.png Sakura Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Sakura.png Sakura
Boba - Cheesy.png Cheesy Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Moon Cheese.png Moon Cheese
Boba - Pumpkin.png Pumpkin Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Pumpkin.png Pumpkin
Boba - Egg.png Egg Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Egg.png Egg
Boba - Nutty.png Nutty Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Toasted Almond.png Toasted Almond
Boba - Magical.png Magical Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Glow Berry.png Glow Berry
Boba - Cinnamon.png Cinnamon Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Cinna Bloom.png Cinna Bloom
Boba - Spicy.png Spicy Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Magma Bloom.png Magma Bloom
Boba - Chocolate.png Chocolate Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Chocolate Coin.png Chocolate Coin
Boba - Veggie.png Veggie Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Spinip.png Spinip
Boba - Apple.png Apple Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Apple.png Apple
Boba - Confetti.png Confetti Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Rainbow Sprinkles.png Rainbow Sprinkles

(only acquired during event: Happy Haven Days)

Boba - Frosty.png Frosty Boba Imagination Icon.png Tea Icon.png Common Snowcicle.png Snowcicle

Imagination Cafe Computer

The Imagination Cafe Computer.png Imagination Cafe Computer is located in the Imagination Cafe in City Town Icon.png City Town. The player can open the Imagination Cafe and server customers by interacting with the Imagination Cafe Computer.png Imagination Cafe Computer.

To open the cafe, press the Open Cafe button to begin serving customers! The Imagination Cafe can be closed at any time. It will automatically close if you have served the maximum amount of customers for that day. The Imagination Cafe Computer.png Imagination Cafe Computer is also a great place to purchase ingredients, such as Tapioca.png Tapioca and Tea Leaves.png Tea Leaves, using Cafe Coin.png Cafe Coins, which are earned whenever you serve a customer.

Taking Customer Orders

When a customer comes to the counter, press the speech bubble button (for Island Visitors) or the face button (for Friends) to begin a conversation. (The customer is always on the other side of the counter. Characters who are currently your companion can become customers, too!) Customers can give a variety of kinds of orders! Some are asking for vague flavors, while others will ask for specific dishes.

  • If the player already has a food that fits their request, press Complete Cafe Order Icon.png “I’ve got that ready.” Any dish displayed in this menu will satisfy that customer’s request.
  • If the player wishes to cancel the order, press Cancel Order Icon.png “I can’t make that right now.” This is not recommended! Try to make orders for your friends.
  • If the player does not have the item yet and is in the process of making it, press Cafe Order Icon.png “I’m working on it

Creating a Customer's Order

All orders are made at the Chef's Station.png Chef's Station where the player can craft all sorts of yummy treats, such as Mochi.png Mochi, Dango.png Dango, Boba.png Boba, and Rice Flour.png Rice Flour! Create a dish for the customer, or cook up a bunch at once to prepare for the upcoming day! Once the player is done, they must serve the treat to the customer using Complete Cafe Order Icon.png "I've got that ready." The customer will then give the player Cafe Coin.png Cafe Coins as a reward and leave. When just starting with the cafe, Mochi.png Mochi rewards 2x Cafe Coin.png Cafe Coins and Dango.png Dango rewards 3x Cafe Coin.png Cafe Coins.

Rules for Filling Orders

  1. Customers do accept pre-made items.
  2. Boba.png Boba awards the most Cafe Coin.png Cafe Coins, then Dango.png Dango, then Mochi.png Mochi.
  3. Customers may request a specific food type and/or a specific flavor (or multiple flavors).
    • If a customer wants a Mochi.png Mochi that is "Sweet" then the player must create a Mochi.png Mochi using Candy Cloud.png Candy Cloud as it's main ingredient.
    • If a customer wants a Dango.png Dango that is "Sweet" then the player must create a Dango.png Dango using at least 1x Mochi - Sweet.png Sweet Mochi — the second and third Mochi.png Mochi can be any type.
    • If a customer wants a Boba.png Boba that is "Spicy" then the player must create a Boba.png Boba using Magma Bloom.png Magma Bloom as its main ingredient — any modifiers can be added.
    • A Boba.png Boba made with 2x Honeycomb.png Honeycomb does count as something with a "Sweet" flavor.
  4. If they just specify one flavor, they will accept any food type.
    • If a customer wants an item that is "Rich" then the player can create any type of item using Tofu.png Tofu.
      • Mochi.png Mochi using Tofu.png Tofu as it's main ingredient.
      • Dango.png Dango using at least 1x Mochi - Rich.png Rich Mochi — the second and third Mochi.png Mochi can be any type.
      • Boba.png Boba using Tofu.png Tofu as it's main ingredient — any modifiers can be added.
  5. Customers may name multiple flavors, but they will say "or" if they will accept any one of those flavors or "and" if it needs to include all of those flavors.
    1. If a customer wants a Dango.png Dango that is "Spicy and Magical," then the player must create a Dango.png Dango using at least 1x Mochi - Spicy.png Spicy Mochi and 1x Mochi - Magical.png Mochi in their recipe — the third Mochi.png Mochi can be any type.
    2. If a customer wants a Dango.png Dango that is "Spicy or Magical," then the player can create a Dango.png Dango using at least 1x Mochi - Spicy.png Spicy Mochi — the second and third Mochi.png Mochi can be any type. Or, the player can create a Dango.png Dango using at least 1x Mochi - Magical.png Magical Mochi — the second and third Mochi.png Mochi can be any type.
  6. If a customer wants a Dango.png Dango with specific flavors included, they are not picky about which order the flavors are in. For example, if they order a Creamy Rich Pineapple Dango, they will also accept a Pineapple Creamy Rich Dango, a Rich Pineapple Creamy Dango, and so on.
  7. If a customer wants a Boba.png Boba with specific modifiers included, the player must follow their instructions. To learn more about modifiers, see the "Boba" wiki page.

Customer Approval Rating

If you speak to Usahana at any time, she can tell you how business at the Cafe is doing.

Level Usahana's Statement Satisfied Customers

(Approximate #)

0 ? 0
1 "Everyone is curious about your brand new Cafe!" 10+
2 "The Cafe is starting to have a few repeat customers―keep it up!" 20+
3 "Your Cafe is beginning to become popular!" 30+
4 "Everyone's heard of the Cafe— how do you do it?" 50+
5 "People all over the world want to come experience your cafe!" 100+

Completed Order Bonuses

At their base level, recipes reward the following amounts when used to fill customer orders:

Item Earned
Mochi.png Mochi 2x Cafe Coin.png Cafe Coins
Dango.png Dango 3x Cafe Coin.png Cafe Coins
Boba.png Boba 4x Cafe Coin.png Cafe Coins

Completing certain amounts of orders, along with contributing to the Imagination Cafe (Achievement) Icon.png "Imagination Cafe" achievements, will permanently increase both the amount of Cafe Coin.png Cafe Coins earned per order and the number of possible customers. For example, after 50 orders, Mochi.png Mochi earns 4 Cafe Coin.png Cafe Coins (instead of 2) when used to fill an order.

Level Completed Orders Total Cafe Coin.png Cafe Coin Bonus Total # of Customers per Day
0 -- -- 10
1 10 +1 12
2 50 +2 18
