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Quests are objectives assigned by various characters that the player can complete for rewards. To access your quests, navigate first to the Menu Tablet in the upper right hand corner, then select the Quests application. Quests are divided into seven categories.

Quest Categories

The Island Mystery

Quests under The Island Mystery category relate to the “main story” of the game. The symbol for this category is a blue top hat with a question mark.

The Right Tools

Quests under The Right Tools category relate to unlocking new tools and abilities.The symbol for this category is a maroon hammer.

Around The Island

Around The Island quests are about exploring the island, either by collecting or finding specific objects. The symbol for this category is two green mountains.

Friendship Quests

Friendship Quests unlock when you reach a certain friendship level with a character. These quests usually involve helping a character complete a specific task that is important to them, as if you’re helping out a friend! The symbol for this category is a red cartoon heart.

Multiplayer Quests

Multiplayer Quests are quests that can only be completed during a Multiplayer session and require two players. The symbol for this category is a blue icon with two human figures.

Daily Quests

Daily Quests are miscellaneous quests that reset daily at 6:00 am GMT (7 am GMT - Daylight Savings Time). The symbol for this category is a purple calendar with an exclamation mark.

Weekly Quests

Weekly Quests are miscellaneous quests that reset at 6:00 am GMT (7 am GMT - Daylight Savings Time) every week on Monday. The symbol for this category is a brown calendar.

Quest Guide

The Quest Guide is a glowing orb that floats above the player and guides them to where they need to go while completing a quest. The player can access the Quest Guide settings via the Settings application on the Tablet in the upper right corner of the screen. Under the "Gameplay" option, the player can toggle the "Always show Quest Guide" setting to turn it on or off.
