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There are a variety of Weather patterns that can occur on Friendship Island! In the beginning of the game, all the regions on Friendship Island will only have some variation of Sun.png sunny weather. Later in the game, players can unlock other types of weather and new items!

Weather App

When the player opens the Menu Tablet Icon .png Menu Tablet they will be able to check the weather! There are two times when weather can occur: "Now" and "Later".

The Weather App on the Menu Tablet.

The maximum time between weather events is 40 minutes of playtime. It can be less, but the timer is not shown to the player. The weather timer will also persist across play sessions. If you play for 5 minutes in one play session, close the game, and re-open the game for a separate 35 minute play session, a weather event will still occur within the 40 minute playtime window.

However, a weather event is ended if the player closes the game.

Unlocking Weather

The following table contains basic information on how to unlock each weather pattern.

Weather Type Related Quest Related Machine
Rainbow Reef icon Rain "Rain or Shine" Aquafall Machine Icon.png Aquafall Machine
Rainbow Reef icon Starfall "Constellation Destination" Celestree Icon.png Celestree
Steam Weather Icon.png Steam "Saunarator" Saunarator Icon.png Saunarator

Additional Information

Kiki-Icon.png Kiki and Lala-Icon.png Lala's Meteorology ability is unlocked when the player has completed the "Together Forever" quest. When having Kiki-Icon.png Kiki and Lala-Icon.png Lala both as companions, the time in-between weather events will decrease by 50%.

Rainbow Reef icon Rain

A player posing at the Aquafall Machine.

The Aquafall Machine Icon.png Aquafall Machine, also called the Aquafaller, is a structure located to the right of the Kelp Maze Fast Travel Icon.png fast-travel point, in the northeast side of Rainbow Reef Icon.png Rainbow Reef, next to the Dune Lagoon.

The player will unlock the Aquafall Machine Icon.png Aquafall Machine while completing the "Rain or Shine" quest. After completing the quest, the player will unlock weather on the island, where it can be either Raincloud.png raining or Sun.png sunny! The Aquafall Machine Icon.png Aquafall Machine will occasionally activate, making bubbles as it causes rain to fall somewhere around Friendship Island. The player does not need to be near the machine for it to activate. The weather forecast in the player’s menu tablet will show when it is an upcoming weather event.

After completing the "Rainy Day Delight" quest, the player will be able to manually activate the Aquafall Machine Icon.png Aquafall Machine once a week by crafting a Rain Island Stone.png Rain Island Stone and placing it into the Aquafall Machine Icon.png Aquafall Machine. Activating a weather machine causes the weather event to happen in a random region. A currently active machine cannot be manually activated until the weather event ends. Manually activating a machine during another weather event will end the other weather event even if they occur in different regions.

Raincloud.png Rain

Rain lasts 15 minutes, and what appears during the rain depends on where it rains.

Rainfall Flower.png Rainfall Flowers will appear during rain in the Seaside Resort Icon.png Seaside Resort, Spooky Swamp Icon.png Spooky Swamp, or Merry Meadow Icon.webp Merry Meadow. When watered using the Watering Can.webp Watering Can, they produce Raindrop.png Raindrops. There are 15 flowers per rain period. They do not regenerate with the use of Island Bouquet.png Island Bouquets. Even if the player was somewhere else during the rainfall event, the Rainfall Flower.png Rainfall Flowers will remain until the Raindrop.png Raindrops are collected or replaced by another rainfall event in the same region!

In Gemstone Mountain Icon.png Gemstone Mountain, rain makes the Soaking Slugler.png Soaking Slugler appear.

In Mount Hothead Icon.png Mount Hothead, the Shower Springtail.png Shower Springtail can be found in the Hot Springs and along the coast.


Rainbow Reef icon Starfall

A player posing at the Celestree.

The Celestree Icon.png Celestree is a structure located on an island to the northwestern side of Cloud Island Icon.png Cloud Island's Fast Travel Icon.png Critter Corral. To repair the Celestree Icon.png Celestree, the player must complete a series of quests that begins with the "Reach for the Stars" quest and ends with the "Constellation Destination" quest.

When repaired, the Celestree introduces a new weather event, Starfall.png Starfall. A starfall occurs when the Celestree activates. The player does not have to be nearby. The activation occurs randomly and cannot be influenced by the player. The weather forecast in the player’s menu tablet will show when it is an upcoming weather event. Starfall only happens at Night - Time Icon.png night and takes the form of a star shower in a random region of Friendship Island.

After completing the "Rainy Day Delight" quest, the player will be able to manually activate the Celestree Icon.pngCelestree once a week by crafting a Star Island Stone.png Star Island Stone and placing it into the Celestree Icon.pngCelestree. Activating a weather machine causes the weather event to happen in a random region. A currently active machine cannot be manually activated until the weather event ends. Manually activating a machine during another weather event will end the other weather event even if they occur in different regions.

Starfall.png Starfall

Starfall lasts approximately 15 minutes during Night - Time Icon.png night and will fall until Dawn - Time Icon.png morning, and what appears during the starfall depends on where it is falling.

Star Treasure.png Star Treasure will appear during a starfall in Gemstone Mountain Icon.png Gemstone Mountain, Mount Hothead Icon.png Mount Hothead Seaside Resort Icon.png Seaside Resort, Spooky Swamp Icon.png Spooky Swamp, Cloud Island Icon.png Cloud Island, or Merry Meadow Icon.webp Merry Meadow. When opened, the player will receive 3 Stardrop.png Stardrops. There are 5 Star Treasure.png Star Treasure chests per starfall period. Even if the player was somewhere else during a starfall event, the Star Treasure.png Star Treasure will remain until the chests are opened or they are replaced by another starfall event in the same region.

In Cloud Island Icon.png Cloud Island, starfall makes the Star Drake.png Stardrake appear. Catching the Stardrake requires Keroppi Icon.png Keroppi's Companion Abilities.

In Rainbow Reef Icon.png Rainbow Reef, the Starry Snipe.png Starry Snipe can be found by fishing above the Kelp Maze and near the Comedy Club.


Steam Weather Icon.png Steam

A player posing at the Saunarator.

The Saunarator Icon.png Saunarator is a structure located in the Fast Travel Icon.png Caldera of Mount Hothead Icon.png Mount Hothead. To repair the Saunarator Icon.png Saunarator, the player must complete a series of quests that begins with the "Mount Mystery" quest and ends with the "Saunarator" quest.

When repaired, the Saunarator introduces a new weather event, Steam Weather Icon.png Steam. A steam weather event occurs when the Saunarator activates. The player does not have to be nearby. The activation occurs randomly and cannot be influenced by the player. The weather forecast in the player’s menu tablet will show when it is an upcoming weather event.

After completing the "Rainy Day Delight" quest, the player will be able to manually activate the Saunarator Icon.png Saunarator once a week by crafting a Steam Island Stone.png Steam Island Stone and placing it into the Saunarator Icon.png Saunarator. Activating a weather machine causes the weather event to happen in a random region. A currently active machine cannot be manually activated until the weather event ends. Manually activating a machine during another weather event will end the other weather event even if they occur in different regions.

The weather forecast in the player’s menu tablet will show when it is an upcoming weather event and will occur in a random region of Friendship Island.

Steam Weather Icon.png Steam

Steam lasts 15 minutes, and what appears during the steam depends on where it steams. All regions have steam vents appear.

Thermal.png Thermals blocked by boulders will appear during a steam in Gemstone Mountain Icon.png Gemstone Mountain, Mount Hothead Icon.png Mount Hothead, or Spooky Swamp Icon.png Spooky Swamp. When the boulder is broken with a Pickaxe.webp Pickaxe, the player will receive 3x Steamdrop.png Steamdrops. There are five Thermal.png Thermals per steam period. Even if the player was somewhere else during a steam event, the Thermal.png thermals with boulders will stick around until the Steamdrop.png Steamdrops are collected or they are replaced by another steam event in the same region.

In Merry Meadow Icon.webp Merry Meadow, steam makes the Hearthling.png Hearthling appear. Catching the Hearthling may require Keroppi Icon.png Keroppi's Companion Abilities.

In Seaside Resort Icon.png Seaside Resort, the Steamy Sunfish.png Steamy Sunfish can be found by fishing by the Cozy Islands bridge.
