Tea Time

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"Tea Time" is a Friendship Quests Icon.png "Friendship" quest which unlocks the Boba.png Boba Recipe! In order to unlock the quest, the player must have completed the "Imagination Cafe" quest and have reached friendship level 10 with Usahana Icon.png Usahana.

Quest Description

"Your friends are ready for a tea time taste test."

Tea Time-Desc.png

Quest Information

The player will meet Usahana Icon.png Usahana, who is ready to further improve the Icon dialog location.png Imagination Cafe! She'll ask the player to meet her inside of the Icon dialog location.png Imagination Cafe and speak to her. When speaking to Usahana Icon.png Usahana, the player will be gifted the Boba.png Boba recipe! Afterwards, Usahana Icon.png Usahana will explain how to create Boba.png Boba. The player must then go to the Imagination Cafe Computer.png Imagination Cafe Computer and order 5x Tea Leaves.png Tea Leaves and 5x Tapioca.png Tapioca using Cafe Coin.png Cafe Coins. After, the player must speak to Usahana Icon.png Usahana.

Suddenly, Pochacco-Icon.png Pochacco, Hello Kitty-Icon.png Hello Kitty, and, Pompompurin Icon.png Pompompurin will arrive — just in time for some Boba.png Boba! Pochacco-Icon.png Pochacco will order a Boba - Strawberry.png Strawberry Boba Tea, Pompompurin Icon.png Pompompurin will order a Boba - Banana.png Banana Boba Tea, and Hello Kitty-Icon.png Hello Kitty will order a Boba - Rich.png Rich Boba Tea. The player must then make the orders for them using the Chef's Station.png Chef's Station.

The player must add Tapioca.png Tapioca to all of the drink orders to make the drinks into "Boba Tea" instead of tea without boba ("Tea, No Boba"). The player can choose whether to add other modifiers (such as Honeycomb Honeycomb), but the other options are not required.

Image Name Tags Rarity Ingredients
Boba - Strawberry.png Strawberry Boba Imagination (Tag) Tea (Tag) Common Tea Leaves Tea Leaves + Strawberry.png Strawberry + Tapioca Tapioca + optional modifiers
Boba - Rich.png Rich Boba Imagination (Tag) Tea (Tag) Common Tea Leaves Tea Leaves + Tofu.png Tofu + Tapioca Tapioca + optional modifiers
Boba - Banana.png Banana Boba Imagination (Tag) Tea (Tag) Common Tea Leaves Tea Leaves + Banana.png Banana + Tapioca Tapioca + optional modifiers

After creating the drink orders, the player must gift them to the friend who ordered it! Pochacco-Icon.png Pochacco must be gifted the Boba - Strawberry.png Strawberry Boba Tea, Pompompurin Icon.png Pompompurin must be gifted the Boba - Banana.png Banana Boba Tea, and Hello Kitty-Icon.png Hello Kitty must be gifted the Boba - Rich.png Rich Boba Tea. Afterwards, they will thank the player for the Boba.png Boba and Usahana Icon.png Usahana will praise the player for their good work!
