Crafting (Tag)

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The Crafting (Tag) Crafting Tag includes various appliances related to crafting in-game items.

List of Items

Image Name Tags Rarity Source Materials/Cost
Furniture Customizer.png Furniture Customizer Crafting (Tag) Legendary Woodblock Woodblock (10)

Wool Wool (100)

Ingot Ingot (10)

Spark Spark (10)

Crafting Table Icon.png Crafting Table Crafting (Tag) Legendary Woodblock Woodblock (10)

Gizmo Gizmo (100)

Ingot Ingot (10)

Spark Spark (10)

Dye Station.png Dye Station Crafting (Tag) Legendary Woodblock Woodblock (10)

White Dye White Dye (10)

Red Dye Red Dye (10)

Ingot Ingot (10)