Sunshine Celebration (Tag)

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Sunshine Celebration (Tag)

The Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Sunshine Celebration Tag is for items obtained through the Sunshine Celebration event.

Note: The Sunshine Celebration tag is the same as the Summer's End Celebration tag because it is technically the same event. Refer to "Summer's End (Tag)" for items related to the Summer's End Celebration.

Related Pages

List of Items

Image Name Tags Rarity
Lemon.png Lemon Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Currency
Lemon Fruit Hat.png Fruit Hat Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Rare
Lemon Fruit Dress.png Fruit Dress Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Rare
Lemon Fruit Glasses.png Fruit Glasses Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Rare
Lemon Fruit Body.png Fruit Body Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Rare
Lemon Fruit Bag.png Fruit Bag Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Armchair.png Sunshine Armchair Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Chair Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Bed.png Sunshine Bed Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Pillow Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Double Bed.png Sunshine Double Bed Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Pillow Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Coffee Table.png Sunshine Coffee Table Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Table Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Dining Chair.png Sunshine Dining Chair Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Chair Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Dining Table.png Sunshine Dining Table Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Table Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Dresser.png Sunshine Dresser Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Box Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Celebration Event Stand (Item).png Sunshine Celebration Event Stand Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Decoration Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Celebration Flooring.png Sunshine Celebration Flooring Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Flooring Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Fruit Tree.png Sunshine Fruit Tree Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Decoration Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Lamp.png Sunshine Lamp Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Lamp Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Lemonade Tray.png Sunshine Lemonade Tray Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Decoration Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Mirror.png Sunshine Mirror Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Mirror Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Side Table.png Sunshine Side Table Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Table Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Sofa.png Sunshine Sofa Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Chair Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Celebration Surfboard.png Sunshine Celebration Surfboard Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Decoration Icon.png Rare
Sunshine Celebration Wallpaper.png Sunshine Celebration Wallpaper Sunshine Celebration Icon.png Wallpaper Icon.png Rare