Fish (Collection)

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Fish Collection Icon

The ultimate goal is to complete all of the Collections related to Fish! The player can access their Collections application via the Tablet in the upper right corner of the screen.

See "Fish" for a complete guide & list of all of fish in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Table of Contents
List of Sub-Collections

Seaside Resort Icon.png Seaside Resort Fish - Spooky Swamp Icon.png Spooky Swamp Fish - Mount Hothead Icon.png Mount Hothead Fish - Merry Meadow Icon.webp Merry Meadows Fish - Gemstone Mountain Icon.png Gemstone Mountain Fish - Rainbow Reef Icon.png Rainbow Reef Fish - Cloud Island Icon.png Cloud Island Fish

Seaside Resort Fish

Image Name
Seaweed Skipper
Summer Sole
Tropical Sunfish
Coastal Clamfish
Peppermint Tetra

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Spooky Swamp Fish

Image Name
Spirit Betta
Zebra Swampling
Bog Clamfish
Midnight Pike

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Mount Hothead Fish

Image Name
Armored Bass
Burning Perch
Flying Springtail
Golden Loach
Magma Clamfish

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Gemstone Mountain Fish

Image Name
Banded Spelunker
Cavern Clamfish
Halfmoon Herring
Jeweled Goby
Mountain Gulper
Neon Longtail

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Merry Meadows Fish

Image Name
Blue Grin
Floral Flyer
Geranium Gar
Half-Dipped Dace
Meadow Stripe

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Rainbow Reef Fish

Image Name
Royal Lance
Ruby Dreamscale
Sailing Charmfish
Sandy Puffer
Sunset Guppy
Amethyst Snipe
Briny Clamfish
Electric Tang
Galaxy Grouper
Masked Wrassler
Opal Flutterfin

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Cloud Island Fish

Image Name
Starlight Floater
Crescent Minnow
Nebula Peeper

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