Flowers (Collection)

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Anything marked as unavailable was not available through normal play at that time. Posting content not accessible through normal play is not allowed on wiki pages or the official Discord.

Flowers Collection Icon

The ultimate goal is to complete all of the Collections related to Flowers! The player can access their Collections application via the Tablet Menu Tablet Icon.png in the upper right corner of the screen.

See "Flowers" for a complete guide & useful information about flowers in Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

Table of Contents
List of Sub-Collections

Hibiscus.png Flowers


Image Name
Anemone.png Anemone
Bellbutton.png Bellbutton
Dandelily.png Dandelily
Eggwort.png Eggwort
Ghostgleam.png Ghostgleam
Heavy Nettle.png Heavy Nettle
Hibiscus.png Hibiscus
Marigold.png Marigold
Penstemum.png Penstemum
Thistle.png Thistle
Tulias.png Tulias
Petunia.png Petunia
Bowblossom.png Bowblossom
Dreampuff.png Dreampuff
Poinsettia.png Poinsettia
Frostfeather.png Frostfeather
??? unavailable
??? unavailable
Rose.png Rose

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