Star Treasure

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Star Treasure

Star Treasure are unlockable chests scattered around the island during a Starfall.png Starfall. Within each treasure, there will be 3x Stardrop.png Stardrops.

Star Treasure will spawn on Gemstone Mountain icon Gemstone Mountain, Mount Hothead icon Mount Hothead Seaside Resort icon Seaside Resort, Spooky Swamp icon Spooky Swamp, Cloud Island icon Cloud Island, or Merry Meadow icon Merry Meadow. There are 5x Star Treasure.png Star Treasure per starfall period. If the player was somewhere else during a weather event, the spawns will stick around until another weather event in that region occurs! Occasionally, Star Treasure.png Star Treasure will produce Music Disc -2.png Music Discs when opened instead of a Stardrop.pngStardrop.

Star Treasure Location Map