Antique Dining Table

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Antique Dining Table

The Antique Dining Table is a furniture item in the Antique Furniture Collection. The Antique Dining Table can be found at My Melody-Icon.png Small Gift Big Smile. The Antique Dining Table can be customized using various Dye Pouches, Stick and Thread through the Furniture Customizer.

Image Name Tags Rarity Cost
Antique Dining Table.png Antique Dining Table Antique Icon.webp Table Icon.png Rare Sand Dollar.png Sand Dollar (20)

Stick.png Stick (2)

Variation Required Materials
Thread (3)

Pink Dye (3)

Thread (3)

Indigo Dye (3)

Thread (3)

Yellow Dye (3)

Stick (3)

Red Dye (6)

Stick (3)
Stick (3)
Stick (3)

Black Dye (6)

Stick (3)

Gray Dye (6)

Variation Required Materials
Stick (3)
Stick (3)
Stick (3)

Black Dye (6)

Stick (3)

Gray Dye (6)