Heart of the Island (Fast-Travel Location)

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Heart of the Island-2.png
Name Heart of the Island
Location In a underwater cave in Rainbow Reef Rainbow Reef
Region Island_Spirit_-Icon.png Heart of the Island
A player standing next to the Heart of the Island fast-travel point.

The Heart of the Island is a Fast Travel Icon.png fast-travel point, located in the Heart of the Island, near Rainbow Reef Rainbow Reef. See "Heart of the Island" for more information about this location.


The Heart of the Island fast-travel point is unlocked when the player completes the "Straight to Your Heart" quest.

Other Information

During the "Friendship Never Fades" quest series, the player will be able to access the Heart of the Island. The entrance to the Heart of the Island is located at The Hole in Rainbow Reef Icon.png Rainbow Reef. The Heart of the Island is home to the Island_Spirit_-Icon.png Island Spirit.