Collection Box

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The Collection Box Collection Box is a chest located outside of Small Gift Big Smile. The player will unlock the Collection Box Collection Box on completion of the "Terra Nul" quest series.

A player standing near the the Collection Box.


The player can ask the Collector Hat Collector Hat Nuls Nul ― or Island Residents they are Best Friend Heart.png Best Friends with ― for help in gathering various materials in the game. Once a request is made, all of that material is removed from the Island, and the items will be able to be collected from the Collection Box Collection Box after the next reset.

If an Island Bouquet.png Island Bouquet is used, the collected material will become available on the island again. (If it does not appear in the menu properly, try fast-traveling to the region it spawns in first, then make the request.) The previously collected material will still be in the Collection Box Collection Box after reset, but the new material can be collected by the player or an available character who has not yet collected something.

The following table shows the materials that can be collected. The maximum quantity shows the maximum number of items that can be collected, but the player may see a lower quantity if they have picked some items up already.

Name Maximum Quantity
Box Clam.png Box Clam 7
Calming Crystal.png Calming Crystal 7
Coconut.png Coconut 14
Iron.png Iron 14
Rubber.png Rubber 7
Starfish.png Starfish 17
Apple.png Apple 7
Cinna Bloom.png Cinna Bloom 7
Coral Milk.png Coral Milk 12
Magma Bloom.png Magma Bloom 7
Moon Cheese.png Moon Cheese 11
Pineapple Pineapple 9
Pumpkin Pumpkin 7
Snowcicle.png Snowcicle 7
Spinip.png Spinip 12
Starfruit.png Starfruit 12
Cactus Cream.png Cactus Cream 12
Fizzy Ore.png Fizzy Ore 60
Lotus Blossom.png Lotus Blossom 14
Seed Icon.png Seed 12
Stick Stick 15
Worm Tail.png Worm Tail 7
Chocolate Coin.png Chocolate Coin 15
Sakura Sakura 15
Swapmallow.png Swampmallow 15
Toasted Almond.png Toasted Almond 15
Glow Berry.png Glow Berry 7
Mushroom Mushroom 50
Obsidian Shard.png Obsidian Shard 50
Pollen Puff.png Pollen Puff 50
Sand Dollar.png Sand Dollar 50
Seashell.png Seashell 50
Shiny.png Shiny 50

Related Information

After the player has completed the "Milk?" quest, Milk Icon (Character).png Milk will collect the player's island visitor residents each day. To do so, the player can speak to him near the Collection Box Icon.png Collection Box.

Milk's Collection Ability dialogue.
