Green Thumbs

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"Green Thumbs" is an "The Right Tools" quest that is unlocked when the player has reached friendship level 6 with Wish me mell and has access to the Merry Meadows Plaza (via Giant Seed beanstalk). The quest repairs the Seed Dispenser.

Quest Description

"Repair a mysterious machine in the Merry Meadow"

Quest Information

The player meets with Wish me mell Icon.webp Wish me mell, who says that there is so much to see in the Merry Meadow Icon.webp Merry Meadow so she has not explored the rest of the island. However, she wants to solve a mystery before she explores too much. She shows the player a machine, saying that it is broken and is unsure of what it is supposed to do. The player informs her that Chococat Icon.png Chococat could help, so they go to find Chococat Icon.png Chococat.

Wish me mell Icon.webp Wish me mell introduces herself to Chococat Icon.png Chococat, who is delighted to meet the Merry Meadow Icon.webp Merry Meadow's mystery visitor and asks about the mystery she is trying to solve. Wish me mell Icon.webp Wish me mell explains that there is a strange machine in the Merry Meadow Icon.webp Merry Meadow that is broken, and she is unsure of what it does. Chococat Icon.png Chococat says that he can definitely assist her and that he examined it when he was exploring the Merry Meadow Icon.webp Merry Meadow. He also says that he believes he knows what supplies they will need, and asks the player to meet them in the Merry Meadow Icon.webp Merry Meadow after gathering the necessary materials.

The player will give Wish me mell Icon.webp Wish me mell the necessary materials — 5 Coconut.png Coconut, 5 Magma Bloom.png Magma Bloom and 5 Spinip.png Spinip. Chococat Icon.png Chococat uses the materials to fix the machine and asks the player to put a flower into the contraption (Note: You cannot put flowers with gradients into the Seed Dispenser).

After putting a flower into the Seed Dispenser, the player will talk to Wish me mell Icon.webp Wish me mell, who explains that it is a Seed Dispenser. This machine will give you the seed of the flower you put in.

Chococat Icon.png Chococat then says that the machine has one other functionality. The quest ends with Wish me mell Icon.webp Wish me mell, saying that she will study it and that they can fix the second part later.
