Metal (Tag)

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The Metal (Tag) Metal Tag includes items crafted using Iron Iron.


This tag is liked by:

This tag is required by the following Island Visitor:

List of Items

Image Name Tags Rarity Source Materials/Cost Character Gifts Gift Value

(no Friendship heart bonus)

Ingot.png Ingot Metal (Tag) Uncommon Iron Iron (3) Retsuko Retsuko (Friendship heart) 2
Volcanic Guitar.png Volcanic Guitar Metal (Tag) Music (Tag) Fire (Tag) Rare Ingot Ingot (2)

Spark Spark (2)

Mechanism Mechanism (1)

Retsuko Retsuko (Friendship heartFriendship heartFriendship heart)

Pekkle Pekkle (Friendship heart)

Sounds of Steel.png Sounds of Steel Music (Tag) Metal (Tag) Resilience (Tag) Rare Mechanism Mechanism (1)

Ingot Ingot (5)

Shiny Shiny (5)

Retsuko Retsuko (Friendship heartFriendship heart)

Big Challenges Big Challenges (Friendship heart)

Pekkle Pekkle (Friendship heart)

Microphone icon Microphone Metal tag icon Music (Tag) Uncommon Ingot Ingot (1)

Spark Spark (5)

Mechanism Mechanism (3)

Retsuko Retsuko (Friendship heartFriendship heart)

Pekkle Pekkle (Friendship heart)