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Retsuko Icon.png Retsuko wanders Mount Hothead searching for her Lost Luggage. She can get a little frustrated, but the volcano learns a thing or two from her explosive personality. It's time for a vacation.


"Retsuko is a single, 25 year-old red panda, who really needs a vacation. Despite her cute appearance, something deep within her is filled with rage. Even on a deserted island, it seems like she can’t escape her stressful job – can’t a girl get a break?" — Retsuko's character page on the official Hello Kitty Island Adventure website


The player can give Retsuko Icon.png Retsuko up to three gifts per day, which will raise her friendship with the player. Players will receive Dough.png Dough as a reward for each gift given to Retsuko Icon.png Retsuko. The amount received depends on the value of the gift and the closeness of the friendship.

If the player has reached maximum friendship level with Retsuko Icon.png Retsuko, they will receive her Character Gift Box Retsuko Box.png for each gift given or quest completed.

Liked Gifts

Hearts Image Name Tags Rarity Source Materials
Heart Heart Heart Volcanic Guitar.png Volcanic Guitar Metal Icon.webp Music Icon.webp Fire Icon.webp Rare Crafting

Ingot.png Ingot (2)

Spark.png Spark (2)

Mechanism.png Mechanism (1)

Heart Heart Volcano Soundtrack.png Volcano Soundtrack Music Icon.webp Volcanic Icon.webp Fire Icon.webp Rare Crafting Mechanism.png Mechanism (1)

Toasted Almond.png Toasted Almond (5)

Obsidian Shard.png Obsidian Shard (5)

Sounds of Steel.png Sounds of Steel Music Icon.webp Metal Icon.webp Resilience Icon.webp Rare Crafting Mechanism.png Mechanism (1)

Ingot.png Ingot (5)

Shiny.png Shiny (5)

Microphone.png Microphone Metal Icon.webp Music Icon.webp Uncommon Crafting Ingot.png Ingot (1)

Spark.png Spark (5)

Mechanism.png Mechanism (3)

Heart Any item with one of the following tags: Fire Icon.webp Fire, Music Icon.webp Music, Metal Icon.webp Metal

Gifts for Raising Friendship

Refer to the Character Gift Guide for more information on how Tags may influence friendship gains more than Heart hearts do.

Friendship Raising Recommendations
(may contain spoilers)
Value Items Comments
8 item image Sounds of Steel Highest value, but much too costly to craft. Can obtain 1 per day from My Melody's Grandpa if he is visiting.
7 item image Volcanic Guitar 3-heart gift, but high material cost; if low on Ingots or Iron, consider saving up to craft it for Best Friend status only.
6 item image Pineapple Lava Soda Good option after Soda Machine upgrade.
item image Toasted Marshmallow Cloud Very affordable option with Candy Cloud Machine upgrade.
Regional Music Boxes
item image Swampy Music Box
Good value, but uses an Ingot.
5 item image Surprising Soda Decent option after Soda Machine upgrade.
item image Volcano Soundtrack Good value before cooking station upgrades. Can be tricky to find enough Toasted Almonds.
3 item image Toasted Almond Coffee Good options before cooking station upgrades.
item image Toasty Pizza
1 item image Toasted Almond Basic starting option.*

*Tip: If getting to Mount Hothead before obtaining the Snorkel, the best option is to gift a Toasted Almond, then use the Dough received to make a Toasty Pizza at the nearby Pizza Oven.


Friendship Rewards

Level Image Reward Reward Type Reward Text Required XP
1 Retsuko-Friendship Icon.png Friendship Level Up Friendship “You are now New Friends with Retsuko!” 1
2 Icon avatar palette retsuko 1.png Avatar Palette Palette “Avatar Palette unlock” 20
3 Stamina Apple Slice.png Stamina Apple Slice Item “Retsuko gifts you a stamina apple slice!” 65
4 Icon avatar palette retsuko 2.png Avatar Palette Palette “Avatar Palette unlock” 106
5 Tropical Side Table.png Tropical Side Table Furniture “Retsuko gifts you a tropical side table.” 176
6 Icon avatar palette retsuko 3.png Avatar Palette Palette “Avatar Palette unlock” 246
7 Retsuko-Quest Icon.png Unlock "Enraging Ruins" Quest “Story Quest: Enraging Ruins” 316
8 Crafting Plans Image.png Mountain Soundtrack Crafting Plans Crafting Plans “Retsuko gifts you the mountain soundtrack crafting plans.” 387
9 Retsuko-PizzaOven Icon.png Pizza Oven Station Upgrade “Station Upgrade: Pizza Oven!” 457
10 Retsuko-Friendship Icon.png Friendship Level Up Friendship “You are now Good Friends with Retsuko!” 600
11 Retsuko-Quest Icon.png Unlock "Fire Up the Volcano" Quest “Story Quest: Fire Up the Volcano” 803
12 Tropical Plant Vase.png Tropical Plant Vase Furniture “Retsuko gifts you a tropical plant vase.” 1005
13 Crafting Plans Image.png Ultimate Joke Pizza Cooking Recipe Recipe “Retsuko gifts you the ultimate joke pizza cooking recipe.” 1208
14 Icon avatar palette retsuko 4.png Avatar Palette Palette “Avatar Palette unlock” 1512
15 Retsuko-Friendship Icon.png Friendship Level Up Friendship/Crafting Plans “You are now Close Friends with Retsuko! Pizza Oven blueprint unlocked.” 1967
16 Retsuko-Adren1 Icon.png Adrenaline Ability Level 1/Companion Ability/Companion “Retsuko can be your companion. Adrenaline ability unlocked.” 2571
17 Retsuko-Friendship Icon.png Unlock Swimming Lessons Quest “Story Quest: Swimming Lessons” 3174
18 Retsuko-Adren2 Icon.png Adrenaline Ability Level 2 Ability “Adrenaline ability upgrade.” 3777
19 Retsuko-Ability Icon.png Hot Stuff Ability Ability “Hot Stuff ability unlocked.” 4380
20 Retsuko-Friendship Icon.png Friendship Level Up Friendship “You are now Best Friends with Retsuko!” 5134

Friendship Status

The player will reach Best Friend Heart.png Best Friend status with Retsuko Icon.png Retsuko at friendship level 20. If the player takes Retsuko Icon.png Retsuko as a companion to the Island Spirit -Icon.png Island Spirit, they can obtain Spirit Heart.png Spirit Heart status with Retsuko Icon.png Retsuko after they've reached Best Friend Heart.png Best Friend status with her.


Daily Quests
Name Description Objective Reward
Deepest Dark "The darkness at the bottom of the sea can be comforting. Go there and tell me about it!" Dive to the bottom of The Hole + Retsuko Icon.png Friendship Points
Heaviest Metal "Can you believe it? This cute little music box actually plays heavy metal music. Can you find one please?" Get a Volcanic Music Box Volcanic Music Box.png + Retsuko Icon.png Friendship Points
Fiery Flowers "Some of the flowers on the mountain really speak to me. So beautiful, full of molten fire." Collect 2 Magma Bloom Magma Bloom.png + Retsuko Icon.png Friendship Points
Heavy Metal "Metal is really marvellous - it's used to create guitars, microphones, and even amplifiers!" Collect 3 Iron Iron.png + Retsuko Icon.png Friendship Points
Ride the Waves "I bet Rainbow Reef is a great place to relax. It would be nice to float along the surface." Visit Rainbow Reef Icon.png Rainbow Reef + Retsuko Icon.png Friendship Points
Heavier Metal "Maybe we should turn up the heat and craft an ingot. I can use it as a paperweight at work." Craft 1 Ingot Ingot.png + Retsuko Icon.png Friendship Points


  • Retsuko is originally from the anime Aggretsuko, or Aggressive Retsuko, where she stars at the titular character. In the show, Retsuko blows off steam through her hobby: heavy-metal karaoke.
