Red Hot Rampage

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Red Hot Rampage is a mini game located on Mount Hothead Icon.png Mount Hothead on the same level as the Pizza Oven Icon.png Pizza Oven, in the middle of the lava flow between the Pizza Oven and the Fast Travel Icon.png Hot Springs.

Once entering the maze and paying one Game Ticket Icon.png Game Ticket to the Nul Icon.png Nul, the player must collect 14x Magma Bloom.png Magma Blooms on the ground throughout the maze before the 180 second (i.e. 3 minute) timer runs out.

During the Jam Jamboree Event Stand (Item).png Jam Jamboree Calendar Icon.png event, the player can also receive 1x Jam Jars.png Jam Jar along with their regular prize (up to 5x Jam Jars.png Jam Jars per day).

"One Game Ticket Icon.png Game Ticket for three minutes. Find as many Magma Bloom.png Magma Blooms as you can!"

Tips for Winning Red Hot Rampage

Companion Abilities do not work in Red Hot Rampage at all, except for the daily free play from Badtz-maru Icon.png Badtz-maru. Therefore, you have to rely on your own skills.

Potions do work, but a potion taken at the start of the game will not last through the entire game. If you cannot beat the game without potions, it is best to take a Speedy Walking Potion.png Speedy Walking Potion before paying your ticket, then take a Thermal Potion.png Thermal Potion when you reach a jump where you need the extra boost.

The best route is as follows:

A map of a route through Red Hot Rampage.
Best Path Instructions (expand to view)
  1. From the start, jump across the platforms at the bottom to get a magma bloom.
  2. Continue jumping right to the second magma bloom.
  3. Jump at the stairs and climb to get on them. Proceed to the thermal air vent, and hold the jump button to deploy your baloons and rise. Once high enough, float to the left. At the next vent, float up again and to the right, and then float on the next vent and go to the left. Fall into the hole you come to, but deploy your balloons so that you can float to the platform with the bloom in that hole.
  4. Either use the vent to rise up or jump into the lava to respawn above. Use the thermal vent to the left of the hole to rise to a staircase, then use the thermal vent at the top of the stairs to aim towards the left. Jump up those stairs, then time your jump above the air vent so that you have your balloons deployed when it turns on. It will take you to another staircase with a magma bloom at the top.
  5. Jump from there and float right with your balloons. It is easiest to float to the next thermal vent and jump down from that platform to collect a magma bloom in the middle of the lava pools.
  6. Take the thermal to the right to get to the top of the next platform, which has another magma bloom.
  7. Jump to the right and float over the lava, then let yourself fall onto another air vent. While standing on the vent, jump and deploy your balloons. You need to quickly float to the left, such that you are still being boosted when you do so. If you time it correctly, you can float to a platform below the lava pools above, where you can collect a magma bloom to the left.
    • Note: The above is very much the hardest jump to manage in this mini game. If you need to take a Thermal Potion, you may want to take it here. However, it is possible to manage without a potion.
  8. Jump left off the platform, and float until you see another magma bloom to pick.
  9. Jump left off of this platform as well, and try to float to another platform that has a gap before another magma bloom. (If you can't quite manage to reach the platform, you can use the vent to rise up.) Collect the magma bloom at the top.
  10. Jump into the vent's gap without ballooning. There is another magma bloom at the bottom.
  11. Proceed right, jumping over a gap with a staircase. Jump off the platform, then float down and to the left to get a magma bloom.
  12. Jump back to the vent to the right, then go across the lava platforms to the right to another vent. Time yourself to miss the lava eruption, then take the vent up to a staircase with a magma bloom at the top.
  13. Go back to the middle vent, then go left and down. Continue heading down until you reach a platform bridge over lava, then run to collect a magma bloom to the left.
  14. Wait for the platforms to reappear, then head right to where a vent turns on and off in the middle of a lava pool. Time your jump to catch the vent when it turns on, then float up and to the right where a magma bloom is on a ledge.

Prizes for Red Hot Rampage

Any Magma Bloom.png magma blooms picked up during the game are added to the player's inventory.

List of Potential Prizes
Image Name Amount Further Information Probability
Magma Bloom.png Magma Bloom - Number received is number collected. -
Mama’s Apple Pie.png Mama's Apple Pie 1 Basic reward for winning. -
Cinnamon Bread.png Cinnamon Bread 1 One of the most common prizes. 16.12%
Pineapple Lava Soda.png Pineapple Lava Soda 1 One of the most common prizes. 8.06%
Darkgrapeman.png Darkgrapeman #10 1 The rarest prize. 1.61%
Nordic dining table.png Nordic Dining Table 1 A rare prize. 8.06%
Nordic dining chair.png Nordic Dining Chair 1 One of the rarer prizes. 8.06%
Nordic dresser.png Nordic Dresser 1 8.06%
Nordic mirror.png Nordic Mirror 1 8.06%
Resort Roundabout (Twilight Mix) 1 8.06%
New Clothes and Lava Flows (Full Mix) 1 8.06%
Hothead Heya (Full Mix) 1 8.06%
Metal Ways for Stressful Days 1 8.06%
Memory Rush 1 1.61%
Red Hot Rampage 1 8.06%

Red Hot Rampage Gallery