Jam Jar

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Jam Jar

The Jam Jars.png Jam Jar is the main form of currency for the Jam Jamboree event. It can be used to purchase limited-time goods from the Jam Jamboree Event Stand (Item).png Jam Stand (Event Stand) in the Resort Plaza. Jam Jars.png Jam Jars are obtained by playing Game Ticket Icon.png mini-games around Icon dialog location.png Friendship Island. During the event, the Nul Icon.png Nuls running the Game Ticket Icon.png mini-games will be wearing Strawberry Jamboree Straw Hat.png Jamboree Straw Hats with a Strawberry.png Strawberry on them!

Each day, the player can play up to five Game Ticket Icon.png mini-games to earn a maximum of 5x Jam Jars.png Jam Jars. The five Game Ticket Icon.png mini-games played each day can be any Game Ticket Icon.png mini-game, and the it does not matter whether the games played are the same or different each time. For example, the player could play Gem Match Icon.png Gem Match five times, or they could play a mix of any Game Ticket Icon.png mini-games — either way, the player will earn Jam Jars.png Jam Jars until they hit the daily limit of 5. Additionally, winning the Game Ticket Icon.png mini-game is not required to earn a Jam Jars.png Jam Jar.  

Jam Jars Locations