Starry Skies Shake

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Starry Skies Shake

The Starry Skies Shake can be made at the Dessert Boat in Gemstone Mountain Icon.png Gemstone Mountain using the Dessert Machine Icon.pngDessert Machine. The recipe for the Starry Skies Shake is located on Cloud Island Icon.png Cloud Island, within a Treasure Chest Icon.png Treasure Chest.

Image Name Tags Rarity Source Ingredients Related Character(s)
Starry Skies Shake.png Starry Skies Shake DessertIconRed.webp Dreamy Icon.webp Stars~1 Icon.webp Snowflake Icon.png Rare Dessert Machine Cactus Cream.png Cactus Cream + Snowcicle.png Snowcicle + Starfruit.png Starfruit Kiki-Icon.png Kiki

