Rockadoodler Roundup

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Rockadoodler Roundup is a mini game located at the Rockadoodler Corral, which is in the upper region (north of the Fast Travel Icon.png Oasis) of Gemstone Mountain Icon.png Gemstone Mountain. The Rockadoodler Roundup mini game is unlocked after the player has completed the "Rockadoodler Roundup" quest.

After paying one Game Ticket Icon.png Game Ticket to the Nul Icon.png Nul, the player must collect 15 Rockadoodler.png Rockadoodlers with their Net.png Net before the 60-second (i.e. one minute) timer runs out.

"One Game Ticket Icon.png Game Ticket for one minute. Round up as many Rockadoodler.png Rockadoodlers as you can!"

Tips for Winning Rockadoodler Roundup

Be careful not to chase too far after the Rockadoodler.png Rockadoodlers. It is possible to go outside of the game's boundary (which is unmarked), causing you to automatically lose the game.You should be able to win simply by keeping to the area in front of the corral (between the entrance and the rocks). You may not even have to run after anything because there should be many Rockadoodler.png Rockadoodlers running past and around you. Keep yourself ready to net any Rockadoodler.png Rockadoodler that comes close, and move just enough to catch any that are out of reach.

Companion Abilities can assist with this game but are not necessary.

You can also use a Speedy Walking Potion.png Speedy Walking Potion to move faster if not using Pochacco-Icon.png Pochacco.

Prizes for Rockadoodler Roundup

List of Potential Prizes
Image Name Amount Further Information Probability
Egg.png Egg 1+ Losing the game earns up to 5 Eggs.
A basic reward for winning is 7 Eggs.
A possible prize is 1 Egg.
Shiny.png Shiny 1 Basic reward for winning. -
Rockadoodler Nest Hat.png Rockadoodler Nest Hat 1 One of the rarest prizes. 1.26%
Danger Doodler.png Danger Doodler #1 1 12.65%
Danger Doodler.png Danger Doodler #2 1 8.86%
Danger Doodler.png Danger Doodler #3 1 8.86%
Danger Doodler.png Danger Doodler #4 1 8.86%
Danger Doodler.png Danger Doodler #5 1 One of the rarest prizes. 1.26%
Music Disc -18.png Rockadoodle Roundup 1 8.86%
Music Disc -7.png Sundown in Gemstone Town (Twilight Mix) 1 8.86%
Trottin' with Tumbleweeds (Full Mix) 1 8.86%

Rockadoodler Roundup Gallery