Rainbow Tower

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Entrance to the Rainbow Tower

The Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower is located at City Town City Town and is the hub for Visitor residences that players can unlock using Orange Sherbet Crate.png Orange Sherbet Crates. When decorated to meet certain requirements, apartments inside of the Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower can become home to various characters that can visit the Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower.

The Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower apartments function the exact same way as the Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Visitor Cabins on Friendship Island Icon.png Friendship Island.

Upgrading the Rainbow Tower

The player can upgrade the Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower using Orange Sherbet Crate.png Orange Sherbet Crates. The player must have first completed the "Bigger on the Inside" quest. To upgrade the Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower, the player must Magnifying Glass Icon.png interact with the Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower's sign and choose the "upgrade" Upgrade Cabin Icon.png option. Upgrading turns the main room into a lobby, shifts any preexisting apartment room into Floor 1 of the Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower, and opens Floor 2. My Melody My Melody's MyMelody-Ability Icon.png Handy Helper ability does not lower the cost of Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower upgrades, but she does lower the cost of the initial opening of the Tower.

Upgrade # Cost in Orange Sherbet Crate.png Crates Additions
0 5 Singular apartment (Floor 1)
1 10 lobby + Floor 2
2 15 Floor 3
3 25 Floor 4
4 30 Floor 5
5 35 Floor 6

Visitor Residents

There are many Island Visitors who may visit an apartment inside of the Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower if it meets their requirements. Some are always traveling, while others travel on a weekly or seasonal schedule. Their visits usually last until the end of the day when their current request is filled. A visitor that has reached a Island Vibe Star Icon.png 5-star rating by fulfilling their Daily Quests on 5 occasions can be asked to permanently move into an apartment.

If the player wants a visitor in residence to leave, the player can kick them out by viewing the room's information from the Rainbow Tower Rainbow Tower's sign. However, it is not necessary to make a visitor leave in order to move the visitor or their apartment. The apartment swap option works with visitors, whether they are temporarily visiting or permanently in residence.
