Vibe Score

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Information on this page may not be accurate to the most recent version of the game, due to in-game content being removed or altered from previous versions.

Island Vibe Star

The Vibe Score was a measure of a players progress in the game. However, they were removed in version 2.0 because they ending up unable to be used in the way that the developers had originally planned.

"Island Vibes was originally intended to be the overall meta XP of the game -- a way to summarize all of your progress across quests, collections, cabins, outfits etc etc all in one place.

However, because we were continually adding stuff the game, it was near impossible to maintain a standard for what would be 3 vs 4 vs 5 stars. And that made it even more impossible to follow our original intent of having content (visitors, store stuff, quests) locked behind certain vibe scores. So it's always been sort of..... like the appendix. Folks don't really need it, don't really use it, and we think they're not really gonna miss it when it's gone."

-- Chelsea from Sunblink on the Discord

Old Information

The player's Vibe Score represents how well the player is taking care of Friendship Island. In order to check one's Vibe Score, the player can speak to My Melody My Melody in her shop, Small Gift Big Smile, and ask "Can I get a Vibe Check?". Once doing so My Melody My Melody will then tell the player their current Vibe Score. The Vibe Score is rated on a scale from 1 to 5 stars Island Vibe Star-Whole Icon.png The player can also ask My Melody My Melody how to increase their Vibe Score or what their Vibe Score means.

How to Increase Vibe Score

The player can increase their vibe score by "making friends, collecting items, and finding secrets!" If the player asks My Melody My Melody how to increase their vibe score, she will tell the player one of the following ideas:

Dialogue Message Additional Information
"Increase your Vibe Score by exploring more locations on the island!" The player can achieve this by unlocking the areas/regions around Friendship Island and exploring them.
"Increase your Vibe Score by doing more decorating! Place furniture and decorations in the Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Visitor Cabins , including your own." The player can achieve this by placing more furniture and decorations into Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Visitor Cabins around Friendship Island and their homes.
"Increase your Vibe Score by becoming better friends with characters around the island!" The player can achieve this by raising their friendship level with Friend Icon.png Island Residents (including Best Friend Heart.png Best Friend status) and Island Vibe Star Icon.png star-level with Island Visitors.
"Increase your Vibe Score by collecting more unique items! Look out for fish, critters, outfits, and furniture." The player can achieve this by collecting all of the furniture and clothing items. They can also catch all of the fish and critters.
"Increase your Vibe Score by completing more story missions! Check your Quests Icon.pngQuests menu and talk to more characters around the island." The player can achieve this by completing the main story line quests, which are called The-Island-Mystery symbol.png "The Island Mystery" quests.