Power Up the Gate

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"Power Up the Gate" is an "The Island Mystery" quest that is the second quest in the story and unlocks the gate out of Seaside Resort, allowing the player to explore the rest of the island! The player must reach friendship level 1 with Chococat Chococat in order to unlock the quest.

"Building Bridges" is a sub-quest to the "Power Up the Gate" quest.

Quest Description

"Find a way to open the gate out of Seaside Resort."

Power Up the Gate Q Desc.png

Quest Information

After reaching level 1 friendship with Chococat Chococat, the player must talk to Chococat Chococat to start the quest. They will be informed that the Gate requires Power Crystals to open. Chococat Chococat asks the player to craft the Crystal Sensor Crystal Sensor and gives them the Crafting Plans Crafting Plans for it.

Crystal Sensor Materials

In order to craft the Crystal Sensor Crystal Sensor, the player will need the following items: 3x Stick Stick and 3x Magnet Magnet.

  • Stick Sticks can be found around the Seaside Resort Seaside Resort. There are 14-15 inside the gated area per day. (1 can spawn along the beach outside the gate instead.)
  • To get the Magnet Magnets, the player must reach friendship level 2 with Badtz-maru Badtz-maru, Tuxedosam Tuxedosam, and Pochacco Pochacco.

To raise friendship with them, the player can gift them their Welcome Gifts from My Melody My Melody as part of the "Small Gift Big Smile" quest. The player must also gift them items that match their liked tags.

After finding all of the materials, the player can craft the Crystal Sensor Crystal Sensor at Chococat Chococat's crafting table. The Crystal Sensor Crystal Sensor will light up and beep when the player is close to a Power Crystal.

Power Crystal Locations

The player must find three Yellow Power Crystal.png Yellow Power Crystals in order to unlock the gate. With the Crystal Sensor Crystal Sensor crafted, Chococat Chococat will accompany the player to assist in the search.

Power Crystal #1

The closest Yellow Power Crystal.png Power Crystal is located within the "Beginners Bridge" puzzle. The player needs to stand on one of the large buttons outside of it, and Chococat Chococat will stand on the other. Once both buttons are pressed down, the door can open. (Refer to "Beginners Bridge" for a guide.)

Power Crystal #2

Another Yellow Power Crystal.png Power Crystal is located within the "Crystal Conundrum" puzzle. Again, the player needs to open this room by standing on one of the buttons outside the door while Chococat or another companion stands on the other. (Refer to "Crystal Conundrum" for a guide.)

It can be easy to confuse this puzzle location with the nearby "Flipflop Flight" puzzle, but "Flipflop Flight" does not have a Power Crystal within it.

Power Crystal #3

A third Yellow Power Crystal.png power crystal is at the Cozy Islands, a section of the Seaside Resort Seaside Resort that is separated from the main Resort by the ocean. The player must begin the “Building Bridges” quest by interacting with the billboard by the broken bridge north of the Resort Plaza.

My Melody My Melody will direct the player during the quest. During the quest, the bridge to the Cozy Islands will be rebuilt, allowing the player to collect the Power Crystal there.

Opening the Gate

Once the player has all three Power Crystals, they must return to the gate. The Power Crystals will fit into their places and cause the gate to open, unlocking access to more areas of Friendship Island. (Most areas on land can be reached simply by exploring. Ziplines and more stamina can help. More tools are required for water exploration.)

TOPHAT TOPHAT will appear again temporarily, the Power Crystals having restored some of his memories. He will explain that there are more Power Crystals to be found in other regions of Friendship Island before disappearing again. The player will also receive Crafting Plans Crafting Plans for the Decorative Yellow Power Crystal Decorative Yellow Power Crystal and the Blank Book Blank Book, the latter of which is a good beginner's gift for Chococat Chococat.

My Melody My Melody will give the player more Welcome Gifts for distant friends, starting the "Missing Friends, Missing Gifts" quest.
