Lost Luggage

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Around-The-Island symbol.png Lost Luggage is an Around the Island quest "Around The Island" quest where the player must locate island residents’ missing Icon item quest cinnamorollexpresscrate bad.png Packaged Luggage and return it to them. This quest is assigned by Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll after the player completes the "Delivery Service" quest. It can be unlocked by finding a Icon item quest cinnamorollexpresscrate bad.png Packaged Luggage.

Quest Description

“Find and deliver all of the Packaged Luggage to their proper owners.


Quest Information

There are seven Icon item quest cinnamorollexpresscrate bad.png Packaged Luggage boxes that must be delivered to seven residents: Badtz-maru Icon.png Badtz-maru, Chococat Icon.png Chococat, Hangyodon-Icon.png Hangyodon, Hello Kitty-Icon.png Hello Kitty, Keroppi Icon.png Keroppi, Kuromi Kuromi, and My Melody-Icon.png My Melody.

This quest is meant to be a long-term quest and does not block characters involved from participating in other quests.

Luggage Locations

Island Resident Image Item Description Tags In-game Map Location Description
Badtz-maru Icon.png


Icon item quest cinnamorollexpresscrate bad.png "Box of tricks. You dropped it and heard a clown horn." Quest (Tag) Tropical (Tag) Badz-maru’s Lost Luggage.webp Badz-maru’s Lost Luggage-MAP.png The north side of Spooky Swamp Spooky Swamp.
Chococat Icon.png


Icon item quest cinnamorollexpresscrate bad.png "Worn-down, old box that has seen lots of adventure." Quest (Tag) Book (Tag) Chococat’s Lost Luggage.webp Chococat’s Lost Luggage-MAP.png The Seaside Resort Seaside Resort, northwest of the Fast Travel Icon.png Resort Plaza.


Icon item quest cinnamorollexpresscrate bad.png "Funny-looking cargo that's covered in barnacles. It smells like the bottom of the ocean." Quest (Tag) Fish (Tag) Hangyodon’s Lost Luggage.webp Hangyodon’s Lost Luggage-MAP.webp The southwest corner of Gemstone Mountain Gemstone Mountain.
Hello Kitty-Icon.png

Hello Kitty

Icon item quest cinnamorollexpresscrate bad.png "Warm box of goodies. It smells like apple pie." Quest (Tag) Bakery (Tag) Hello Kitty Luggage.webp Hello Kitty Luggage Map.webp The north side of Rainbow Reef Rainbow Reef.
Keroppi Icon.png


Icon item quest cinnamorollexpresscrate bad.png "If you listen to this box, you can hear the chirp of frogs and bugs. Why was this on the plane?" Quest (Tag) Swampy (Tag) Keroppi Luggage.webp Keroppi Luggage Map.webp The northwest corner of Fast Travel Icon.png Caldera on Mount Hothead Mount Hothead.


Icon item quest cinnamorollexpresscrate bad.png "This box has a spooky vibe. At night, it makes ghost noises, which is a little annoying." Quest (Tag) Fall (Tag) Kuromi Luggage.webp Kuromi Luggage Map.webp The northeast corner of Rainbow Reef Rainbow Reef.
My Melody-Icon.png

My Melody

Icon item quest cinnamorollexpresscrate bad.png "Lovely, little gift box. It smells like strawberries and almonds." Quest (Tag) Pink (Tag) My Melody Luggage.webp My Melody’s Lost Luggage-MAP.png The southeast side of Mount Hothead Mount Hothead.