Time for Milk (quest series)

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"Time for Milk" is a Friendship Quests "Friendship" quest with a total of three quests. The quest series unlocks Milk Icon (Character).png Milk as a Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Island Visitor. The quest is unlocked when it has been one day since the player has completed the "Hither and Yon" quest series. Additionally, the player must also have a 5 star-rating Island Vibe Star Icon.png with the following Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Island Visitors, in addition to having them as permanent island residents: Poron.png Poron, Corune.png Corune, Espresso.png Espresso, Azuki Icon.png Azuki, Chiffon.png Chiffon, Coco.png Coco, Nuts.png Nuts, Mocha Icon (Character).png Mocha, and Cappuccino (Character).png Cappuccino.

After completing one of the quests in the quest series, the player must wait until the following day to complete the next quest.

Time for Milk: The Final Beginning

Quest Description

"Travel through time to find Milk."

Time for Milk- The Final Beginning-Desc.png

Quest Information

The player will meet Corune.png Corune in the Merry Meadow Icon.webp Merry Meadow, alongside Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll and Poron.png Poron. Corune.png Corune is very happy to be on the island and wants to help us find Milk Icon (Character).png Milk through the use of Hither and yon.png Time Travel! While brainstorming on how to find When Milk Icon (Character).png Milk is, Corune.png Corune comes up with the idea to find and collect Milk Icon (Character).png Milk's favorite items! Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll will gift the player the instructions for the Cinnamoroll's Cocoa.png Cinnamoroll's Cocoa to use at the Creation Station Icon.png Creation Station. After that, Poron.png Poron goes to find more Stardust Stardust for Corune.png Corune to snack on, while Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll looks for other items.

The player must then acquire the following items: 1x Cinnamoroll's Cocoa.png Cinnamoroll's Cocoa, 1x Dreamy Material.png Dreamy Material, 1x Coral Milk.png Coral Milk, 1x Cactus Cream.png Cactus Cream, and 1x Vanilla Shake.png Vanilla Shake.

Image Name Tags Rarity Materials
Cinnamoroll's Cocoa.png Cinnamoroll's Cocoa Chocolate (Tag) Cozy Beverage (Tag) Rare (Tag) Rare Hot Cocoa Hot Cocoa (1)

Swampmallow.png Swampmallow (5)

Stardust Stardust (10)

Dreamy Material.png Dreamy Material Cloth Icon.webp Dreamy Icon.webp Uncommon Star (Item).png Star (1)

Feather Feather (3)

Fabric Fabric (2)

Egg.png Coral Milk Dairy (Tag) Uncommon N/A
Cactus Cream.png Cactus Cream N/A Uncommon N/A
Vanilla Shake.png Vanilla Shake Dessert (Tag) Snowflake Icon.png Uncommon Cactus Cream Cactus Cream (1)

Snowcicle Snowcicle (1)

Once the player has gotten all of the required items, they must speak to Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll. Poron.png Poron explains that before they can find the right When, they'll need to travel to the correct Where to find Milk Icon (Character).png Milk! Corune.png Corune leads everyone to a location in Gemstone Mountain Icon.png Gemstone Mountain and takes a deep breath as every one will Hither and yon.png Time Travel to the past! When everyone arrives, the scenery around us looks and sounds a little different... Poron.png Poron explains that we've gone very, very, very far back in time. Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll and Poron.png Poron tell the player to focus on searching the Ancient Past for any signs of Milk Icon (Character).png Milk, but they shouldn't stray too far. To the right of the player, under the arch of stone, will be Fabric.png Milk's Blanket! Once picking it up, the player must speak to Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll. Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll, Poron.png Poron, and Corune.png Corune will be excited to see that Milk Icon (Character).png Milk has been here—but alas, he must've moved on to another When. Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll, Poron.png Poron, Corune.png Corune, and the player will then Hither and yon.png Time Travel back to the present! Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll has become very tired from Hither and yon.png Time Traveling, so Poron.png Poron suggests we wait until tomorrow to continue searching for Milk Icon (Character).png Milk.

Cinnamoroll Cinnamoroll will also reward the player 1x Cinnamoroll Flooring Cinnamoroll Flooring for completing the quest.


Time for Milk: Electric Baboo

Quest Description

"Travel through time to find Milk."

Time for Milk- Electric Baboo-Desc.png

Quest Information

The player will meet Corune.png Corune, Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll, and Poron.png Poron, then speak to Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll, in the Mount Hothead Mount Hothead near the Fast Travel Icon.png Hot Springs. Corune.png Corune takes a deep breath as every one will Hither and yon.png Time Travel to the past! Corune.png Corune will sense Milk Icon (Character).png Milk's presence, but Poron.png Poron will explain that they've travelled way back in time before the Island Spirit-Icon.png Island Spirit, TOPHAT Icon.png TOPHAT, and Big Challenges Icon.png Big Challenges was on the island. Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll and Poron.png Poron tell the player to focus on searching the Past for any signs of Milk Icon (Character).png Milk, but they shouldn't stray too far. To the right of the player will be Milk's Bottle.png Milk's Bottle! Once picking it up, the player must speak to Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll. Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll will be worried about Milk Icon (Character).png Milk being without his Milk's Bottle.png Bottle, but Poron.png Poron will reassure him. Corune.png Corune, Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll, Poron.png Poron, and the player will then Hither and yon.png Time Travel back to the Present. Corune.png Corune senses another Milk Icon (Character).png Milk in another location and excitedly runs to the location—Poron.png Poron will follow! Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll will ask the player if they would like to use the Fast Travel Icon.png Fast Travel mailbox instead.

The player will then meet Corune.png Corune, Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll, and Poron.png Poron, then speak to Poron.png Poron, in the Spooky Swamp Icon.png Spooky Swamp near the Fast Travel Icon.png Ghost Tour Ride. After speaking to Poron.png Poron, Corune.png Corune takes a deep breath as every one will Hither and yon.png Time Travel to the past! Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll and Poron.png Poron will express their awe to see Island Spirit-Icon.png Island Spirit, TOPHAT Icon.png TOPHAT, and Big Challenges Icon.png Big Challenges nearby—however, Poron.png Poron advises that they mustn't disturb them. Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll and Poron.png Poron tell the player to focus on searching the Recent Past for any signs of Milk Icon (Character).png Milk, but they shouldn't stray too far. To the right of the player will be Milk's Pacifier.png Milk's Pacifier! Once picking it up, the player must speak to Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll. Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll will express his excitement about finding another sign of Milk Icon (Character).png Milk; however, Corune.png Corune will not sense Milk Icon (Character).png Milk's presence, so Corune.png Corune, Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll, Poron.png Poron, and the player will then Hither and yon.png Time Travel back to the Present. Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll says he's determined to find Milk Icon (Character).png Milk tomorrow!

Cinnamoroll Cinnamoroll will also reward the player 1x Cinnamoroll Wallpaper Cinnamoroll Wallpaper for completing the quest.


Time for Milk: Return of the Baby

Quest Description

"Travel through time to find Milk."

Time for Milk- Return of the Baby-Desc.png

Quest Information

The player will meet Corune.png Corune, Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll, and Poron.png Poron, then speak to Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll, in the Seaside Resort Icon.png Seaside Resort near the bridge to Fast Travel Icon.png Hopscotch Island. Corune.png Corune takes a deep breath as every one will Hither and yon.png Time Travel to the future! Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll talks about how much he loves Milk Icon (Character).png Milk and wants him to be okay. From behind the tree, he appears... it's Milk Icon (Character).png Milk! Milk Icon (Character).png Milk and Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll are overjoyed to see each other! Milk Icon (Character).png Milk talks about how much he loves Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll in a series of emojis, "Two Hearts Milk.png Two Hearts Milk.png Two Hearts Milk.png". After reuniting, Milk Icon (Character).png Milk will ask to go home ("Plane Milk.png House Milk.png?") and Corune.png Corune will Hither and yon.png Time Travel back to the Present. Once arriving the the Present, everyone will be on Cloud Island Icon.png Cloud Island to reunited with Milk Icon (Character).png Milk! The player can take photos and speak to everyone. Once the player has finished they can speak to Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll. Finally, Milk Icon (Character).png Milk has come home; however, he needs a place to stay... Cinnamoroll-Icon.png Cinnamoroll tells the player that they can have a Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Visitor Cabin prepared for him! Milk Icon (Character).png Milk also has a gift for the player... 10x Strawberry Crate.png Strawberry Crates, 25x Coral Milk.png Coral Milk, and 20x Cinnamoroll Box.pngregular Cinnamoroll Gift Boxes!

After completing the quest, Milk Icon (Character).png Milk will become an available Visitor Cabin-Icon.png Island Visitor in the Visitors Icon.png Visitors menu of the Menu Tablet Icon.png Menu Tablet.

Cinnamoroll Cinnamoroll will also reward the player 1x Cinnamoroll Tea Set Cinnamoroll Tea Set for completing the quest.
